Alabama veterinarian grossly abuses elderly cat while being filmed

Alabama veterinarian, Dr Logan, abuses cat while being filmed

NEWS AND COMMENT: This is sheer horror. It is gut wrenching and it makes my heart race. I have to comment on it. This is not just about news. Although the news about this act of gross abuse by a veterinarian on an elderly cat (about 19 years old) is emerging on news media …

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Can you sue a doctor (veterinarian) for wrong diagnosis?

Animal doctor (veterinarian) with young cat in vet clinic

Veterinarians are called doctors. You can sue a doctor for wrong diagnosis but the whole process is usually highly problematic. You know that something went wrong and you know that your cat received poor treatment by your veterinarian and as a result your cat either died or suffered injury. But you’ve got to prove …

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Do private practice veterinarians desex cats later than shelters and if so why?

Feral or Stray Cat Being Spayed

I have just been informed by the authors of a study on the impacts of pet cats on Australian wildlife that animal shelters desex cats when they are younger than four months of age because the focus is on preventing cats breeding and creating more cats, whereas in private practice, where the making a …

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Nova Scotia veterinary clinic collects pets from cars and uses drive-through for drugs

Vet clinic takes extreme steps Covid-19

NEWS AND OPINION – FROM CBC: A Nova Scotia veterinary clinic has taken extreme steps to prevent the transmission of the novel coronavirus (Covid-19) between people by locking their doors to customers and opening a drive-through facility for customers to pick up drugs, food and other products for sale at the clinic. Clients who …

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American taxpayer should subsidize veterinary training to get rid of declawing

Veterinary college Cornell

The only reason why three quarters of American veterinarians declaw cats is for money. We all know that. There’s no connection to providing a service to improve the welfare and health of cats. It’s just about money and the convenience that declawing affords the owner who doesn’t want her sofa scratched. On the basis …

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Study shows that stress placed on veterinarians can cause ethical conflict and other problems

Veterinarians don't know how much pain cats are experiencing or if the drug is effective

According to a new study co-authored by a Cambridge Health Alliance psychiatrist and Harvard Medical School researcher, veterinarians often suffer from moral stress issues in the veterinary field. The research was done by Lisa Moses and J. Wesley Boyd and will be published this month by the Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine showing the …

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