The idea that a dog or cat year is equivalent to seven human ones is flawed

Young and old cat

You might know this. The classic way of working out the human equivalent age of cats and dogs used to be to multiply their age by seven. That method is too crude by modern standards. It is far better to bracket the various ages of felines and canines and work out the human equivalent …

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Lil Bub suffers from osteopetrosis, a rare bone disease

Lil Bub via Facebook

Lil Bub is probably the second most celebrated Internet cat after Grumpy Cat. Her name is a great success. Her appearance is characterised by her diminutive size and a tongue which is perpetually hanging out. She also has extra toes on each paw, no teeth and an undersized jaw. It has been found that …

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DNA Testing of Cats

DNA Testing of Cats

DNA testing of cats and dogs and for that matter of ourselves has become a fad. There appears to be a trend developing. You can call it ‘consumer DNA testing’. My immediate thoughts were that quite a lot of people want to know the breed of their cat. Nearly always their cat is not …

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There Should Be DNA Mapping of Pedigree Cats to Eradicate Genetic Diseases

Genes and chromosomes

A long time ago, perhaps about seven years ago, I wrote an article about genetic diseases in purebred cats. It is a comprehensive article. Many purebred cats are linked to inherited diseases due to defective recessive genes coming to the fore as a result of overenthusiastic selective breeding in order to create a cat …

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