Could my cat be part Maine Coon?

2x Cute Fluffy Half maine coon kittens for sale

Your cat could be part Maine Coon but the only way you might be able to find out is with a DNA test (but see below). I can see that one so-called expert website states that you can confirm if you own a part Maine Coon by looking into their eyes. I am afraid …

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Do cats get sunburned? Yes, and skin cancer sometimes.

Fluff was sunburned and had to have his ear flaps removed due to skin cancer

Yes, cats do get sunburned sometimes. We see this quite a lot on the Internet and it is particularly relevant at the moment in many parts of the world where it’s very hot. The interesting aspect of domestic cats getting sunburned is that it almost exclusively occurs on the ears because they are sparsely …

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Doggy paddle swimming technique of the domestic cat

Video showing the domestic cat swimming technique

As you probably know domestic cats employ the doggy paddle swimming technique. They should call it the ‘catty paddle’ as well. In fact, in the era of the use of woke language and acute sensitivities about equality and sexism, I think it’s an example of speciesism to call this swimming style the doggy paddle! …

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European wildcat in western Switzerland threatened by mating with domestic cats

European wildcat

We know that the Scottish wildcat is either extinct in the wild in Scotland or very nearly so because of long-term hybridisation with domestic and feral cats. These two species i.e. the wildcat and the domestic cat readily mate. It is the wildcat’s undoing in Europe and in Africa. And today, we are told …

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Why do domestic cats sometimes use their paws to eat and drink?

Domestic cat (a Benga) eating with their left paw

If and when domestic cats use their paws to eat food or to drink water they do so in a very specific way. They scoop up the food such as dry food pellets or water from their bowl into their favoured paw and then take the paw to their mouth. Importantly, it is a …

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Why do domestic cats still hunt?

Feline hunting is in their DNA

Domestic cats still hunt because it is in their DNA to do so. It is a characteristic which is a genetic inheritance. It is hard wired into their brains and personalities. And it has not been removed by humans controlling the breeding of cats. The vast majority of domestic cats are random bred. Darwin’s …

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