Ukraine army cats and dogs – animal therapy and sad abandonment

Ukraine Army Cats and Dogs

There are so many pictures of cats and dogs being cuddled and loved by Ukraine army personnel that a wise person has created a Twitter account to show them off. It’s doing very well with about 15.2k followers at the moment. That’s good in a very short timeframe. And it is no surprise to …

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Ear cropping of dogs is illegal in the UK but some breeders are offering it

American bully dogs with cropped ears

NEWS AND COMMENT: Some dog breeders in the UK are allegedly offering customers the option to mutilate the ears of puppies as part of a trend popularised by celebrities on social media. It is illegal under the Animal Welfare Act 2006. The Times reports that influencers on social media and sportsmen and sportswomen have …

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Speaking to your pet as if they’re a baby might make sense

Dogs process human speech like babies

Conclusion: dogs process human speech like babies. This is a complicated topic judging by the language used by the scientists who did the testing which is why I am thankful for the video. The research concerns dogs. This is because it is convenient to do animal research using the more cooperative dog compared to …

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Is the artificial sweetener xylitol poisonous to cats?

Xylitol a sugar-free sweetener is highly toxic to dogs but not cats

According to a small study of six cats carried out in Hungary and published in the journal Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics, xylitol is not poisonous to cats (the study is listed at the base of the page with comment). The study was published in June 2018 and up to that point it wasn’t clear …

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Dogs smell signs of cancer – cats too

Does this dog really look like a cat?

Yes, this page starts off with the fact that dogs smell signs of cancer and seamlessly slides into cats…! And back to dogs again. The rules of social interaction are very similar and overlap so perhaps we in the cat world can learn from the dog world and vice versa. A dog’s ability to …

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Can cats be protective of babies and toddlers?

Tara who saved her human toddler friend from a dog attack

Female domestic cats can show maternal instincts when being courageously protective of babies and toddlers. On this page there are four videos. Three of them clearly show a cat protecting a toddler. In two of them the cat attacks a dog who is attacking the child. These are very brave acts by the cats …

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Will fireworks be particularly bad for cats this year because of Covid-19?

Drive-thru fireworks display in Germany

The coronavirus pandemic is going through what the experts describe as a “second wave”. What they mean is that it was suppressed for a while during lockdown but it never went away as expected. This second episode is worse than the first probably because people have been ignoring government guidelines and instructions. The rapidly …

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