How to do hydrotherapy on a cat

Moses doing his hydrotherapy session at Avonvale Veterinary Centres' hydrotherapy unit

How to do hydrotherapy on a cat? Well, it is not easy. 🙀 Domestic cats don’t like water normally. They won’t like hydrotherapy normally either for that reason but it doesn’t mean that hydrotherapy is a no-no because it might work. Note: some domestic cats like water. We can’t generalise. There are a number …

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As exercise alleviates depression in people why do we allow indoor cats to be inactive all day?

A shot of endorphins helps me get through my day. What about domestic cats?

You probably know this already. Exercise helps to alleviate depression. Going outside and walking within a natural landscape is also good to lift one’s mood. If you don’t know that already then you do now! And if you are cynical and don’t believe it, you haven’t got to go far online to confirm that …

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7 ways to exercise your cat (a critical viewpoint)

There are apparently seven ways to exercise your cat. There are probably more ways, but in practice there are less. I’m going to list seven possible ways to exercise your cat and comment critically on those suggestions. In my view there are three general ways to exercise your cat: allow them to go outside …

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Why are British Shorthairs so fat?

Russian blue Brit SH

British Shorthairs are not fat. They are cobby, which is a cat fancy word meaning stocky, muscular, heavyset with rounded features and stocky limbs (the “cat fancy” means cat breeders). There is a difference. If a British Shorthair cat is fat it is because that individual cat has been overfed and/or is under-exercised. Selective …

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An Exercise Program that’s Purrfect for Cat Lovers is Cat-Ching On

It’s necessary to embark upon a prudent and interesting exercise program to help keep us in tip top emotional and physical heath. Too many of us have become inactive couch potatoes which truly sets a very bad example for our kitty companions. Since we all want our cats to live a longer, healthier and …

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