Why should I avoid adopting a traumatized cat?

You shouldn’t avoid adopting a traumatised cat and the question in the title begs many more questions such as: Those are just some of the questions I would ask. There will be more. Sometimes shelter cats can be labelled traumatised not because they are traumatised but because they are currently living in a shelter …

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Iconic sycamore gap tree chainsawed. 16-year-old arrested.

Iconic Sycamore tree felled in an act of vandalism

There is worldwide dismay at the felling of a treasured tree; the world-renowned and iconic Sycamore Gap Tree in Northumberland which won the public vote to be crowned Tree of the Year in 2016 by the Woodland Trust. The charity described it as “one of the most photographed trees in the UK”. The reason …

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This man needs a taste of his own medicine after he terrifies his cat causing him to pee

Man in Singapore terrifies ginger tabby cat causing cat to pee

This is not hot off the press news (11th March 2020) but it is interesting and sad from a number of perspectives. The story comes from Singapore. In very general terms, a couple owned a ginger tabby cat1. It appears that the cat had been urinating in their apartment, probably out of anxiety. The …

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Does passive smoking affect cats?

Passive smoking pets can develop cancer

I am surprised that people use Google search to ask whether passive smoking affects domestic cats. Surely, it is obvious that it does or at least increases the risk of getting cancer. Why should domestic cats be excluded from passive smoking when we know full well that humans are affected by passive smoking? Arguably, …

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Karma on a biblical scale hits Australia, China and Africa as nature retaliates for human abuses

Locust swarms of biblical proportions in east Africa. I'd say it is nature's karma

First we had the freakish wildfires, dust storms, hail and floods of Australia in the form of nature’s retaliation for the Australians’ abuse of feral cats, kangaroos and camels and the climate by mining coal extensively. Now we have China’s deadly coronavirus, nature’s way of telling humans that they can’t indecently abuse nature’s animals …

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For the sake of the planet, women should decide to stop reproducing

Verena Brunschweiger

It’s time to discuss the hitherto undiscussable: limiting population growth. Interestingly, in America, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has hinted at her interest in this subject. On social media she asked the question, “Is it okay to still have children?”. She was thinking about the environmental impact of humans. The title seems extraordinary, very politically incorrect and …

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When couples argue their cat might become anxious

Arguing can make a cat anxious

It is clear to me that in a home where the occupants don’t get along and argue a lot, their cat may become anxious and unsettled unless measures are taken to reassure him/her. It is very important that a domestic cat lives in a supportive, friendly, quiet and reassuring environment. This is just like …

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