How long are cats pregnant? It varies depending on the species.

Pregnant cat

How long are cats pregnant? The answer depends on the type of cat. Here is a graph showing the domestic cat and some wild cats, medium and large and the differences in length of pregnancy: And here is the same information presented in the form of a table: Cat Ave. Length of Pregnancy (days) …

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Picture of ‘engorged hairless cat’ creeps out the Internet after going viral

This picture of a female Sphynx cat is causing a bit of a stir on the Internet because….take and look and see. I’ve decided that I cannot show the picture on this page because advertisers might not like it. Therefore, if you would like to see this strange photograph which I think is somewhat …

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Unplanned kittens: the scourge of the cat ownership world

Unwanted kittens rescued

There is no doubt in my mind that the scourge of the cat ownership world is unplanned kittens. However, sometimes they are planned by which I mean the owner allows a female cat to become pregnant and have kittens because they think a “mother” means that experience to feel whole and happy 😢. Wrong. …

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Stress during cat pregnancy might make her kittens timid and less adoptable

Pregnant cat

Dr. John Bradshaw in his book Cat Sense writes that if a mother is highly stressed during her pregnancy her stress hormones may cross the placenta and impair the development of her kittens’ brains and endocrine systems. The endocrine system refers to the kitten’s hormones. I wanted to check this and expand on it. …

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Cat looks pregnant but isn’t?

Cat with FIP

Two overlapping things come to mind as to why a cat looks pregnant but isn’t: a disorder which causes the stomach to be distended and a medical condition called ascites. Abdominal distension A swollen or bloated abdomen can be caused by a range of conditions as follows: Overeating; Eating fermented foods; Constipation; Worm infestation, …

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I can feel my cat’s kittens in her belly

Pregnant cat

The title comes from a Google search, which prompts Google to throw up suggested search terms. This is one of them. It implies that a cat owner can feel their cat’s kittens in her belly. The slightly worrying aspect of this is that veterinarians advise that, “Palpitating the queen’s abdomen requires experience and gentleness, …

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