77 comparisons between cats, dogs and people

Lion versus Maine Coon
Lion versus Maine Coon. Montage by MikeB from lion image in the public domain. The MC is by Robert Sijka.

Here are 77 comparisons of various kinds involving cats (mainly), dogs and people. As there are many pages on this website in which I compare and contrast various facts, cats, dogs and people including numbers and indeed any other fact, I thought it would be useful if I compiled a list of those pages in one page. For instance, there is quite a lot of interest in comparing some cat breeds which, on the face of it, looks similar. It can be confusing to people outside the cat fancy to see a clear difference between some breeds.

Maine Coon compared to the Turkish Angora
Maine Coon compared to the Turkish Angora. Montage: MikeB from images in the public domain. Click the image to read more on this.

Also, some of the wild cat species are very similar such as the Leopard and Jaguar. There are also some interesting numbers which lend themselves to comparisons. Over the years I have compared many facts across a wide spectrum of topics. Below I list some of these pages which I hope you find useful. The list is a series of links. Please click on the link to go to a page where you will be able to read in some detail my thoughts on these comparisons. The links open new tabs/pages on your interent browser software.

Use Control + F to find words on this page. Depress the control key on your keyboard and the F key simultaneously and use the search box that comes up to find words that you are searching for.

Ctrl F search box to find words on a page
Ctrl F search box to find words on a page
  1. Spaying and neutering versus declawing in domestic cats
  2. Difference between Maine Coon and Ragdoll cats
  3. Are leopards and jaguars the same?
  4. Difference between Maine Coon and Turkish Angora cats
  5. Maine Coon versus Persian
  6. Maine Coon versus Siberian cats
  7. Toyger versus Tiger and Maine Coon versus Lion
  8. Comparing Maine Coon, Norwegian Forest and Siberian Cats
  9. Cat punishment versus divine intervention
  10. Tiger versus buffalo fight
  11. Urinary tract INFLAMMATION versus urinary tract INFECTION
  12. Bacterial infection: cat bites versus human bites
  13. PETA versus Nathan Winograd
  14. Tigers Versus Leopards
  15. Yanks versus Brits. Inside cats versus outside cats. Who is correct?
  16. Man Versus Man-eaters
  17. Cat Versus Dog Popularity by State, USA (map)
  18. Fostering Cats Versus Sheltering Cats
  19. Pro-cat Versus Pro-wildlife
  20. Ethical Pet Adoption versus Saving a Life
  21. Cat Cold War: Russian Versus American Cats
  22. Cat Breed Versus Cat Species
  23. Cat People Versus Dog People
  24. Dangerous Poop: Cat’s versus Human’s
  25. Mountain Lions Versus Coyotes
  26. Tiger versus Lion
  27. Lion Versus Tiger Bite Force
  28. Usain Bolt versus Cheetah
  29. UK Veterinarians Versus USA Veterinarians
  30. A Lion Wins in Lion Versus Tiger Fight
  31. If a domestic cat was the same size as a Rottweiler, which would win in a fight?
  32. Are cats more expensive than dogs?
  33. Are there more cats than humans in the world?
  34. Do dogs hear better than cats?
  35. What is the difference between feline leukaemia and feline AIDS?
  36. Difference between domestic kittens and bobcat kittens
  37. Dogs and cats eat grass for the same reason?
  38. Dogs are more valuable than cats. The reason why.
  39. Are lions or tigers bigger?
  40. Are male cats more affectionate than females?
  41. Cat memory test results as good as for dogs
  42. The Reason Why Trap-Neuter-Release (TNR) Is Better Than Killing Feral Cats
  43. Turkish Van is most aggressive breed and British Shorthair most inactive
  44. Siamese and Persians are Better Pets than Moggies?
  45. Difference between Torbie and Tabby
  46. Why is declawing cats cruel but neutering cats is not?
  47. Is the Maine Coon Healthier than the Persian?
  48. Punishing animal abusers: Inequality between dogs and cats
  49. Are Cat Breeds Less Healthy than Random-bred Cats?
  50. Difference between false cat aggression and real aggression
  51. Animal Shelter Photography: Prettify or Reality?
  52. Cat and Dog Bite Statistics
  53. Dog Poo vs Cat Poo – Redressing the balance
  54. Lion vs Tiger
  55. Cat Ear Size and Shape
  57. 1930s Persian cat compared with 2000 variant (picture)
  58. Why do dog breeds look so different (compared to cats)
  59. Cat Eyes Compared to Human Eyes
  60. Adopting an adult cat compared to a kitten
  61. Old Fashioned and Modern Persian Cats Compared
  62. Do feral cats look different (to domestic cats)?
  63. Insurance quotes – random bred cat. Insurance company: BOUGHT BY MANY
  64. Comparing Maine Coon and standard sized cat
  65. Comparing purebred and hybrid (cats)
  66. Comparing the value of a cat with the value of a human
  67. Training Cats: Comparing Dog Training And Human Training
  68. Pet Populations and Ownership – Comparing Countries
  69. How big is a cat’s brain?
  70. Difference between Asiatic and African lion
  71. How can cats be so loving yet vicious?
  72. The difference between cat punishment and negative reinforcement
  73. Are raccoons smarter than cats?
  74. Are Some Cats Smarter Than Others?
  75. What is the difference between a jaguar and a black panther?
  76. Are Domestic Pet Cats “Just Tiny Tigers”?
  77. Siamese and Persians are Better Pets than Moggies?
  78. Difference between Torbie and Tabby

P.S. There are 78 comparisons because I had to add one later on. It may happen again……

Maine versus Ragdoll
Maine Coon versus Ragdoll. Click to see a page on this comparion. Photo: MikeB based on images in the public domain.

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