It’s impossible to kill all Australia’s feral cats but they go on killing them

Aussie feral cat in the arid interior hunting small marsupials and mammals

It’s nice to read that some Australian citizens including some Australian scientists strongly disagree with the war against feral cats in Australia which takes place daily and nightly in order to try and protect the small mammals and marsupials in the outback. The scientists who organise the killing of feral cats such as Dr. …

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Holidaymakers should protest against Cyprus’s animal cruelty by not visiting

Too many feral cats in Cyprus and far too much animal cruelty of various kinds including the poisoning of kittens, cats and dogs

I’ve just visited a holiday forum on the Internet. One resident said that if you are making your first visit to Cyprus “you should be warned that animal cruelty is prevalent here”. They said that it was the “one thing I hate most about living in Cyprus after 10+ years and it doesn’t get …

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Activists fight back against nauseating Chinese cat snuff film gang

Li with face smeared with shit

This mysterious Chinese gang of cat torturers and killers has garnered a lot of comment and discussion on the Internet because they are so disgustingly horrendous. The things that they get up to are mindbogglingly horrific. But their activities are shrouded in mirrors and smoke with different names in different stories. I have written …

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Pet owners are submitting their cats to cosmetic surgery to give them cartoonish Mickey Mouse ears

Surgical instrument to ostensibly surgically alter the shape of cat eats for cosmetic purposes in China

Is this story true? If it is true, it’s not good. We know that some breeders change the shape of their dog’s ears; called ear-cropping but this does not happen with cats except for feral cats under TNR programmes in which the top 20% of the left ear flap is removed surgically. The Mail …

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Bearskin hats bring shame to the UK says Stephen Fry

UK Ministry of Defence insist on using the skins of Canadian black bears to make hats for their guards when an excellent, synthetic alternative is available about which they make no comment it seems.

NEWS AND OPINION: Steven Fry, a well-respected and indeed loved, highly intelligent British celebrity, actor and comedian, has condemned the UK’s Ministry of Defence for insisting that their guards continue to wear bearskin hats made from genuine Canadian black bear pelts when synthetic alternatives made to a high standard and meeting requirements of drying …

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