Why human facial expressions are much more developed than those of domestic cats. Infographic.

Human facial expressions are significantly more obvious than those of domestic cats due to several key biological, evolutionary, and social factors: 1. Evolutionary Adaptations for Communication 2. Facial Musculature Differences 3. Domestication Effects 4. Role of Vocalization vs. Expression 5. Eyebrow Movement & Whites of the Eyes (Sclera Visibility) Conclusion: Human facial expressions evolved …

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Domestic cat facial stereotyping

Domestic cat facial stereotyping

I’ve called it “domestic cat facial stereotyping” but it needs explaining. What I’m saying is that the domestic cat evolved to have a very impassive some would say, enigmatic face. Although a recent study tells us that the domestic cat has 276 facial expressions! It’s hard to believe it because normally we see a …

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Photo of a fierce-looking Maine Coon deemed to be ‘hateful conduct’ by Twitter X and viewing restricted!

Photo of fierce-looking Maine Coon deemed 'hateful conduct' by Twitter's algorithm believe it or not!

Elon Musk has a problem with Twitter X’s algorithm which scans images and decides if they are in violation of the social media platform’s policies. This is presumably artificial intelligence (AI) gone wrong. It is bizarre and frankly stupid although not uncommon. Nowadays the internet is already managed in large part by pain-in-the arse …

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Can cats smile?

Can cats smile. What do you think?

An often-asked question in relation to domestic cats is, “Can cats smile?” It is a question about feline emotions as you can’t smile unless you are happy, a basic emotion. The experts and the observant cat caregivers believe or know that cats can at least experience basic emotions. They can feel happy but can …

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Why are Pallas’s cats mean, angry and aggressive?

Pallas's cat

It seems that observers think that the Pallas’s cat is mean, angry and aggressive (aka Pallas cat). And the reason is because of the misleading facial expression of this wild cat species which is about the size of a domestic cat. This 2-4 kg cat looks much larger than they really are because their …

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Zoë Kravitz says that you can’t read a cat’s face. True or false?

Zoe Kravitz says that people are creeped out by the lack of feline facial expressions

Zoë Kravitz plays Catwoman in The Batman, the latest episode in the Batman franchise. She appeared on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon on March 2, ahead of the film’s release. She discussed her preparations for the filming. She said that she studied cats before taking on the role. She agreed that she drank …

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Cat’s strong, clear, facial expression and strange sound signals annoyance about owner’s behaviour

Unhappy cat held in the wrong way makes a strange sound

This cat is clearly unhappy and about to attack but owner presses on and holds her cat the wrong way. The woman who is holding her cat (and I have presumed that this is her cat) can clearly see that he is unhappy by the expression on his face. But she presses on regardless, …

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Cell phone app understands your cat’s facial expressions

AI in cellphone app can read feline facial expressions

A cell phone (smartphone) app, in development, but in beta version called Tably, uses artificial intelligence (AI) to be able to read a domestic cat’s facial expressions to tell the owner how their cat feels. It is an interesting development on the back of previous studies which showed that domestic cats do have subtle …

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