Domestic cat’s faster metabolism demands more frequent meals. Infographic.

Is the metabolism of the domestic cat faster than that of humans? Yes, the metabolism of domestic cats is indeed faster than that of humans. Cats have a higher basal metabolic rate, meaning their bodies use energy at a quicker rate to maintain essential functions like breathing, circulation, and temperature regulation. For instance, the …

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When to know your cat is asking for food you don’t have

Cat meowing for food you don't have

This is a little thought that might help one of two people. Nothing startling but it has just happened to me and I am sure that it happens to many other cat caregivers. Scenario – habits You give your cat a treat at the same every day when the treat is available. In my …

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No wet cat food waste (infographic)

Empty bowl under a no waste wet cat food regime

Do you aspire to that cat caregiving utopian ideal of no wet food waste left in the bowl after a feeding or even after five feedings? Well, I’ve achieved it. I’m boasting but I’ve done it through precision feeding. The Infographic explains the MO but I will add a few words. There are perhaps …

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Happy cat campaign tip 2 – observe your cat’s behaviour and take notes

Observe your cat and make some mental notes to find out what makes them tick and happy

In 2011 a veterinary charity in the UK assessed the physical and social environment of domestic cats and decided that on average in cat owners needed to improve as the score they came up with was 64%. Unsurprisingly, the score was lower in homes where there was more than one cat because issues surrounding …

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Is your cat a picky eater or do they have good alternative reasons?

Why do cats sometimes reject their food?

The so-called ‘picky domestic cat’ eater is a concern to many cat owners. But they will reject food for a good reason and here are 8 possibilities. These possibilities do not reflect the behaviour of a cat who is a picky eater. These are genuine alternative reasons. So, it should not be puzzling to …

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Can domestic cats become spoilt and difficult?

Spoilt cat

Is it possible to spoil a cat as you can with a human? I believe it is. And if I’m correct it normally affects their eating habits. This is how you might spoil your cat to the point where they become picky about the food they want to eat. You treat your cat occasionally. …

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6 reasons for cat food rejection

Cat feeding

I can think of 6 reasons for cat food rejection or to put it another way your cat rejects the food you give him, and you believe that he is a finicky eater. And sometimes a pain in the rear end. And wasteful of the money that you plough into cat food which can …

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