Human population growth effects on animals

Projections of human population growth

There is a growing feeling that human population growth is having a very bad effect on animals. Although you have to differentiate between domestic and wild animals. The UK’s favourite broadcaster, said David Attenborough, is an advocate for stabilising the planet’s human population. Negative effects [We should] stabilise the human population as low as …

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Why the Washington DC cat count is money well spent

Feral cat wants to be looked after

You have probably heard about the $1.5 million Washington DC project to count all the cats, namely domestic, feral and strays and those in shelters. On this scale, it’ll be the first of its kind. It’s important because to the best of my knowledge Americans don’t know with reliable accuracy the number of feral …

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Increased Female Cat Spaying is the Principal Answer to Cat Population Control

An RSPCA report states that in order for the domestic cat population to be stable (i.e. neither increasing or decreasing) the domestic cat neutering rate needs to be 92%. This means that 92% of domestic cats need to be neutered at any one time. Sadly, as at 2012, neutering rates in the UK of …

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Is the Domestic Cat Becoming Less Popular in Australia and the UK?

I recently wrote a short article about a survey which concluded that the domestic cat population in Australia was declining except in Tasmania. Not soon after I read that article I bumped into another article written by the science correspondent for the Daily Mail. The article comes to a similar conclusion namely that the …

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