Can Savannah cats be vaccinated like other domestic cats?

Can Savannah cats be vaccinated like other domestic cats

The answer to the question in the title is, YES. But the reason why I ask the question is because a lady on a page of mine about serval cats as pets said that “The Savannah, like servals, cannot be vaccinated for distemper, FeLV and other cat diseases which means they cannot safety be …

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How common is leukaemia in cats? It varies.

A FeLV cat who had FeLV years ago. I hope he had a decent life.

The question in the title is incomplete because it implies that the question is about cancer; a type of blood and bone marrow cancer but when leukaemia is spoken about in the context of domestic cats it means a virus, specifically, the feline leukaemia virus (FeLV) which is the most important cause of cancer …

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“2 FeLV kittens in need of a home” – FeLV kittens and cats can and should live good lives.

Keeping FeLV positive rescue cats alive at new homes

Introduction Many years ago, perhaps around 2008, Jan visited my website and posted a request for visitors to give a home to 2 FeLV cats. I am revisiting that page and using it as a base to add more detail and information. Jan’s post is below the introduction. I don’t know if the kittens …

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What is the difference between feline leukaemia and feline AIDS?

Feline AIDS versus feline leukemia

They are both caused by a virus and therefore there is no difference there. Feline leukaemia virus disease complex (FeLV) is transmitted by infected saliva. Bites, sharing water or food bowls and cat-to-cat grooming can spread the disease. Feline AIDS (Feline Immunodeficiency Virus‎ – FIV) is spread in a similar fashion because that too …

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Vet explains basic difference between FeLV and FIV (audio)

FIV and FeLV - difference explained by a vet

Dr. Diane Delmain of Auburn University’s College of Veterinary Medicine explains the basic differences in an interview by WLTZ First News between FeLV and FIV. FeLV stands for ‘feline leukemia virus’ while FIV stands for ‘feline immunodeficiency virus’. I shortened the interview deliberately for technical reasons. You can see the full interview if you …

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RetroMAD1: Possible new drug for fighting Feline Immunodeficiency Virus and Feline Leukaemia

RetroMAD1 has been labelled a wonder drug for fighting two nasty feline diseases. As I understand it, the drug was not developed to treat feline diseases but developed by a private biotech company in Malaysia, BioSatria, with the intention of improving livestock production efficiency by minimizing livestock illness. They work on producing anti-viral products …

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Newtown Therapy Cat Has Died

By Elisa Black-Taylor When I wrote the article about the tragic Newtown shooting back in December, it gave me a chance to get to know Robin Olson. Click this link to go to the story. Robin runs a rescue called Kitten Associates, and her program Kittens For Kids recently helped families of the Newtown, …

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