40 percent of people more bonded to their smartphones than to their pets

Addicted to smartphones or a necessary device for the modern era

STUDY – OPINION: A fascinating survey by a business called SimpleTexting confirms what we already know but in stark practical terms, and which brings it home to us how addicted to smartphones people are. Or are they an essential piece of kit in the modern world? As they say there is an unbreakable bond …

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Substantial number of people give Covid-19 to their companion animals

Testing cats for Covid-19 in Texas

There have been a few studies on this subject unsurprisingly. It is obviously highly pertinent at the moment. However, a recent study from Canada led by a veterinary pathologist, Dorothee Bienzle of the University of Guelph, appears to confirm that the level of transmission of infection from people suffering from Covid-19 to their cats …

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I grieved for my cat more than for my father or mother

The man who features first in this video oozes love for his cat who has passed away. It is a magnificently dedicated and true love. It is unconditional love – both ways. That is the beauty of “pet love”. It ain’t tricky or slippery. It isn’t undermined by shady human behavior. It is there, …

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Essay On Cats As Pets

This in a short essay on cats as pets. It is deliberately written for students. Anyone can use it if they wish. Today, strictly speaking, many people believe we should not refer to cats are “pets”. It is a slightly old-fashioned word. Certainly an excellent cat caretaker would probably not wish to describe the …

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