Pet de-wormer can treat cancer in humans? Infographic.

Some influencers on social media websites like TikTok have claimed that the pet de-wormer fenbendazole which can be bought on Amazon has cured their cancer. It seems magical. I am neither a medical doctor nor a veterinarian. However, research immediately points to this form of self-treatment as high-risk as fenbendazole has not, as at …

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Minoxidil hair growth treatment is highly toxic to cats. Infographic.

Minoxidil is a hair growth product for people. Usually, men I suspect. That might in itself be useful knowledge because single men are less likely to be the caregiver of a domestic cat than a single woman but nonetheless, humans have a propensity to make mistakes. It is a human trait. No matter how …

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Oldest cats and people data are unreliable. Infographic.

The Times newspaper of December 28th, 2024, has an article on the unreliable data concerning so called ‘blue zones’ across the world where there are concentrations of centenarian people; people who are at and over 100-years-old. The article is based on a research study by Dr Saul Justin Newman of University College London which …

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Psychic trailing in domestic cats. Infographic.

Some people believe that domestic cats are bestowed with ‘psychic trailing’ (‘psi trailing’) meaning the ability to use extra sensory perception (ESP) to find their way home when for example their owner moves home and their cat returns to their old home or they’ve become lost. There is no firm science to support psychic …

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Tiger stripes are unique to each tiger and excellent camouflage. INFOGRAPHIC.

For many the high contrast orange and black striped coat of the tiger looks like bad camouflage. How could nature have evolved this highly visible coat as camouflage? The infographic succinctly explains. Below it is some more detail. Yes, that’s correct! Each tiger has a unique pattern of stripes, much like human fingerprints. These …

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We depend on the nature we are destroying. Infographic.

Humankind is orphaned from nature and its billions of years of evolution. This disconnect from nature is harmful to both humankind and the planet in general. Nature is our natural parents. Connect with nature and you go home to your roots. That’s why it is beneficial. The disconnect from nature came about because of …

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The Times newspaper criticises Taylor Swift and Ed Sheeran for adopting Scottish Fold cats

At last! I’ve been writing about this as have other online authors for many years. It’s actually a well-known problem but it is the first time in my recollection that a mainstream newspaper of the quality of The Times has written about the problem on page 3. It concerns the cartilage problems suffered by …

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