Theory as to why some cats might hate women. Infographic.

This is an idea that makes some sense but which is rarely if ever discussed online. Cats have good memories and it is argued that they can link bad experiences to one or other of the human genders. Perhaps the word ‘hate’ is too strong. Perhaps some cats might become ‘wary’ of women where …

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Smallest versus largest domestic cat weight difference. Infographic.

There are two points to make about this infographic. Firstly, I am a fan of infographics as they counteract the proliferation of articles on specific topics that contain far too much waffle. You have to plough through the irrelevant stuff to find the specific information that you are searching for. In a busy, competitive …

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Squirrels that hunt like cats. Infographic.

The infographic summarises this extraordinary, unexpected and widespread California ground squirrel predatory behaviour which on occasions mimicked the predatory behaviour of domestic cats. 😎 This squirrel species usually feeds on acorns, seeds, nuts and fruits. Do squirrels sometimes hunt prey? Yes, squirrels sometimes hunt prey, though it is not common behavior. Squirrels are primarily …

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9 uses of the domestic cat’s claws. Infographic.

The purpose of this infographic is to ensure that all cat caregivers are fully au fait with the importance of claws to the domestic cat. Sometimes I think millions of cat owners (hardly caregivers) in the United States forget these nine aspects of feline behavior which are integral to their existence when they declaw …

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Domestic cat patience is an asset. Infographic.

We take it for granted: the enormous patience of our domestic cat companions. But it is a great asset for the domestic cat in their need to adapt to the human environment in which they are obliged to live. Particularly so when they are full-time indoor cats where often even the patience of the …

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Are Sphynx cats hypoallergenic? Infographic.

The infographic below provides my answer, as I see it. You will see different answers on the internet an as provided by AI. I believe my answer is reasonable and plausible. Please contribute by commenting; particularly those who live with a hairless cat and who are allergic to cats! How many of these people …

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The origin of the cat tail-up greeting. Infographic.

Kitten tail-up greeting which is carried forward into adulthood in the human-to-cat relationship

The origin of the domestic cat ‘tail-up’ body language greeting is interesting and important as it highlights a central element in the human-to-cat relationship, namely that cat caregivers are perpetual mothers to their adult cats which serves to indoctrinate the adult cat into maintaining kitten behaviors one of which is the tail up greeting; …

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