UK: Feral Cat Terrorises Pensioners For Two Days In Their Home

This with the latest cat news story in the UK. The title to the post could equally have been, “how to remove a stray cat from your home”.  I say that because the homeowners lacked the skills and knowledge to deal with this cat properly and I regret to say that their behaviour caused …

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Australian Authorities Culling Stray Cats

The author wishes to remain anonymous In Australia the federal government recognises three classes of cats: Companion cats Stray cats Feral cats Everyone understands what a companion cat is, but strays and ferals are constantly confused. I once telephoned the person in charge of culling feral cats in NSW. He held the firm belief …

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My Extraordinary Relationship with a Stray Black Cat

I think stray cats are generally misunderstood felines, often confused with ferals. And while stray cats can often be mysterious, I think of them as kitties that need extra special care. Since most cats will instantly weave their way into the hearts of passionate cat lovers, upon encountering a stray kitty many of us …

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Cat roof-crashes the Olympic Games in Sochi

This cat did not gatecrash the Olympic Games but arrived via the ceiling. This news story may indicate that the facilities at the Winter Olympics are not as robust as they might be. The Alder Arena Skating Center which seats 8000 people and which cost $30 million to construct was damaged by what appears …

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Stray cat was “too nice to return to the great outdoors”

Some cats that are trapped and neutered are not returned to whence they came. They are adopted because they are deemed “too nice to return to the great outdoors”. But what does that mean? And is the world of cat rescue democratic or republican, liberal or conservative? What are the politics of cat rescue? …

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