Why is my cat thirsty?

Increased thirst in a cat is not a laughing matter

Your cat might be thirsty for a good reason. Perhaps she has just eaten dry cat food which should make a domestic cat thirsty because it’s so dry! It’s a good thing that she is drinking after eating it. There are obviously normal, healthy reasons to be thirsty so you have to decide initially …

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Elderly cat diet to delay onset or progress of cognitive dysfunction

Sarah Hartwell's cat Mr Minns

In veterinary circles cognitive dysfunction is referred to as CD. To laypeople it means senility. I have found a nice tip which may help to slow the onset of CD in an elderly cat. Free radical scavengers Dr Bruce Fogle explains what free radical scavengers are and how they can help slow the onset …

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Do older cats need vitamins?

Vitamin E

The question is asking whether older cats need vitamin supplements. In other words do they need extra vitamins on top of what they are ingesting through their normal diet? The answer is that older cats need more vitamins and minerals because their ability to absorb vitamins through the intestinal tract is diminished. Also, B …

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What To Feed A Senior Cat

Thomas a 26-year-old rescue cat

Reduced calorie intake and a high quality, protein rich diet is the general guide for senior cats. This is about feeding geriatric cats. It’s an important topic because it can prevent obesity. Feline obesity can decrease lifespan. As expected geriatric cats are less active. They require up to 30% fewer calories than younger cats. …

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Do senior cats have special needs? Living with elderly cats.

Elderly cat care

Lately it seems that it’s been getting a lot more difficult for me to grasp the fact that it’s been almost fourteen years since we welcomed Dr. Hush Puppy and Sir Hubble Pinkerton, our two amazing, beautiful four month-old Oriental Shorthair kittens into our family. It often feels that it was just yesterday that …

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27-year-old adopts 26-year-old cat

27-year-old adopts 26-year-old cat

Thomas is a 26-year-old cat adopted by a 27-year-old woman, Laura, from a shelter. Good on Laura. It is very unusual for a cat to live this long and also rare for a young person to want to adopt such an elderly cat. But elderly cats bring a lot of pleasure to the owner. Just be ready for difficult health decisions including possible euthanasia.

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