Ukraine rescue cats arrive in DC after compliance with mountains of rules and regulations and $12,000 spent

Gorgeous Gizmo

This is an incredibly impressive, committed and wonderful cat rescue organised mainly, on my understanding, by Homewood Trails Animal Rescue (11116 Fairfax Station Rd, Fairfax Station, VA, United States, Virginia). They have a Facebook page and a couple of their Facebook posts are republished below. There is also a video from WUSA9 YouTube. Note: …

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Dr. Walter Palmer who killed Cecil the Lion still gets many one-star ratings

Walter Palmer and Cecil the Lion

You may recall that Dr. Walter Palmer is the notorious Minnesota dentist who shot and killed Cecil the Lion. Well, actually he shot the lion with his bow and arrow, but it did not kill Cecil who was finished off by an agent later, I believe. The news was all over the Internet because …

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Speaker of the House of Commons adopts a new Maine Coon kitten

Sir Lindsay Hoyle and his new Maine Coon kitten Attlee touch nose in a friendly greeting

NEWS AND COMMENT-UK: The speaker of the House of Commons, Sir Lindsay Hoyle, is a renowned animal lover, which I think is a great thing. It is of great benefit to the UK that someone so prominent in politics loves animals. The news media often write about him and his animals. This is beneficial …

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California is going to ban the declawing of cats for non-therapeutic purposes (God willing)

California Legislature

NEWS AND COMMENT-CALIFORNIA, USA: The San Diego Union-Tribune reports that the legislature of California is debating a ban on declawing cats for non-therapeutic purposes. In other words, if this bill passes into law the citizens of California will no longer be able to take their cat to a veterinarian for the removal of their …

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Buddy demonstrates the triumph of the feline spirit over his abusers’ intentions

Buddy recovering. On the mend.

NEWS AND COMMENT: You may remember the story of Buddy. He’s a little black cat who was minding his own business on a porch in Philadelphia. He preferred to live outside but was cared for by his owner. A couple of guys walked by with their Pitbull-type dogs and set the dogs upon him. …

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Homes for Ukraine scheme – homes for pets as well

NEWS AND COMMENT: The UK’s Homes for Ukraine scheme has generated a lot of excitement both for refugees and homeowners. I have read that there is a Facebook frenzy of homeowners posting photographs and descriptions of their home to promote it as an ideal sanctuary for a refugee. There appears to be competition among …

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Relaxation of rules taking animals from Ukraine into adjacent and EU countries (March 2022)

PETA Germany at Ukraine Border Feb 2022

There is no need for refugees to abandon their companion animals when leaving Ukraine. We know that many Ukrainian women are fleeing with their companion animals and their children. They make their way to adjacent countries like Poland, Hungary, Romania and Moldova. They struggle to get to these borders often carrying a cat or …

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Celebrate! The declawing veterinarians of America are in retreat!

Maryland state Sen. Cheryl C. Kagan D-Montgomery holds her corona kitty. Kagan sponsored a bill that would make Maryland the second state in the country to ban declawing cats

NEWS AND COMMENT: I have a feeling that the obnoxious declawing veterinarians of America are in retreat. And the average cat caregiver, not even animal advocates, are making their voices heard because they now thoroughly understand that the declawing of cats is unnecessary and cruel. It is described as barbaric by people like me …

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