Buddy demonstrates the triumph of the feline spirit over his abusers’ intentions

Buddy recovering. On the mend.

NEWS AND COMMENT: You may remember the story of Buddy. He’s a little black cat who was minding his own business on a porch in Philadelphia. He preferred to live outside but was cared for by his owner. A couple of guys walked by with their Pitbull-type dogs and set the dogs upon him. …

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Nobody volunteered to help feral cats in Offaly, Republic of Ireland

Lack of volunteers to help out Offaly County SPCA

An organiser of the Offaly SPCA Facebook page lost their cool after nobody came forward in response to an urgent request for volunteers to help a colony of community cats. I have published screenshots of the Facebook post requesting help and after no one came forward the exasperated response. It is quite telling and …

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Homeless cat’s long journey to ‘furever’ happiness


This is the story of Bubby, a three legged, ginger tabby-and-white male cat with sad eyes and a charming character. He lives in Canada. Going back about eight years, he was a street cat enduring a difficult life. He showed up at the home of a man who had a cat named Seson and …

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This man needs a taste of his own medicine after he terrifies his cat causing him to pee

Man in Singapore terrifies ginger tabby cat causing cat to pee

This is not hot off the press news (11th March 2020) but it is interesting and sad from a number of perspectives. The story comes from Singapore. In very general terms, a couple owned a ginger tabby cat1. It appears that the cat had been urinating in their apartment, probably out of anxiety. The …

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Example of using positive reinforcement to socialise a cat (video)

'Journey' a stray cat from China being socialised through positive reinforcement training

We hear a lot about positive reinforcement in socialising feral and stray cats. Positive reinforcement is a way of training cats and it can be used to train a cat to trust a human and people in general at which point the cat is socialised and therefore domesticated. A cat called ‘Journey’ was a …

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Feral cat survives 3 weeks in container from China to Vancouver and is being rehabilitated

Journey looking very fearful after her journey

This cat, who has been appropriately named Journey by her carers, must have been completely feral when she tiptoed into a shipping container in Shenzhen China. She spent a least 3 weeks inside it. There was no food. There may have been some moisture on the insides of the container but I am speculating. …

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Breeder voluntarily surrenders 45 Ragdoll cats to the MSPCA

Rescued Ragdoll cats

This is unprecedented. I have never read about a cat breeder surrendering all of their cats. In this case Ragdoll cats, which are particularly popular at the moment, have been surrendered to the Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (MSPCA) because the breeder believed that their operation had grown beyond their …

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