Community rebuffs New Jersey borough’s plan to trap and kill feral cats

Matawan Police Department notice

NEWS AND OPINION: This is another interesting story about how communities deal with feral cats. It is an issue which constantly challenges the administrators of jurisdiction such as counties and cities and indeed states in America. In this instance a plan by Matawan, which on my research, is a borough in Monmouth County, New …

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Not feeding feral cats does not get to the root of the ‘feral cat problem’

Feeding the staving cats

The city of Weed in Siskiyou County, California, has decided to ban the feeding of feral cats. The law is not yet passed but when it is, if you live in Weed, you will not be allowed to feed feral cats in public places including on streets, sidewalks, alleyways and in parks. The objective …

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Why are there so many cats on Cyprus?

Community cat of Cyprus

The key reason why are there so many community cats on Cyprus is because not enough are being sterilized. The question is not about domestic cats but semi-feral community cats. Although there needs to be an education program to improve domestic cat ownership to ensure that all owned cats are sterilized. This would tackle …

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Coronavirus tells us that Americans love their freedoms

Feral cats in Asia

The coronavirus pandemic is escalating rapidly in the United States, as at the date of this post. There were 121,888 new cases of Covid-19 in the US according to data from John Hopkins University. Over the past seven days there have been more confirmed cases in the US than all of the cases in …

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The eradication of feral cats in Tasmania is unfeasible

Feral cat in Tasmania

The words in the title mainly come from the Tasmanian government’s Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment website. Clearly, the Tasmania’s government want to eradicate, completely eradicate the feral cat from their island. Tasmania is an island state of Australia. We know that the Australian authorities are in a desperate bid to …

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Woman pays Animal Control $75 for each cat to be trapped, neutered and returned

Catherine Hollenbach of Bayonne

In dealing with too many feral cats you need to focus on people not cats. This is essential to solving this long standing US problem. This story sheds some light on the realities of living with feral cats in the US. Catherine Hollenbach of Bayonne, New Jersey has complained that she is spending her …

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Speaking with an Australian lady about feral cats and Australia’s native species

Lilly a cat living with Sharon an Australian woman

This is an audio recording of my discussion with Sharon who is an Australian woman living in Melbourne, Australia. She also has a home on French Island which is not that far from Melbourne (see map below). French Island is largely a nature reserve and so it serves as a useful model to examine …

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Lady moves home to a more civilized place after her neighbor shoots her cat


Cohasset, Minnesota, USA: Pam Dowell’s neighbor, Steven Lee Mishow, always said that he hated cats. He said that he would shoot cats who came onto his property. He said he could do it because he’d be defending and preserving his property. Pam Dowell knew about the man’s hatred of cats. She invited him into …

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