Theory as to why some cats might hate women. Infographic.

This is an idea that makes some sense but which is rarely if ever discussed online. Cats have good memories and it is argued that they can link bad experiences to one or other of the human genders. Perhaps the word ‘hate’ is too strong. Perhaps some cats might become ‘wary’ of women where …

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CMA investigates UK veterinary market (details in infographic)

CMA presses ahead with full investigation into vets markets in the UK (details in infographic)

Here is some summarised detail in the form of an infographic on the UK’s Competitions and Markets Authority’s investigation into the veterinary market which has been so comprehensively criticised in the UK due to the buying up of independent vets by big business to form chains of vets which reduces competition and pushes up …

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Are veterinarians a go to source for feline behaviour and handling (infographic)?

Do vets need more training on cat behaviour and handling?

I ask the question in the title because on the Catster website there are many articles on cat behaviour in which the author says that the information is verified by a veterinarian or vets. My first thought was that veterinarians are taught about animal medicine, treatments and surgery. Animal behaviour is not a priority …

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American veterinarian criticises fellow vets for doing non-essential surgery such as declawing and tail docking

Dr Mike Petty DVM

Michael Petty DVM is a graduate of the veterinary school of Michigan State University. He owns the Arbor Pointe Veterinary Hospital. In an article which has been posted on Facebook, he criticises his fellow veterinarians for conducting non-essential surgery: cat declawing, dog tail docking and ear cropping. It is very rare for a veterinarian …

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Veterinary staffer wrote F word expletive in bold marker pen on dying cat’s incubator for all to see

Dying cat in incubator

NEWS AND COMMENT – Beckenham, Greater London, UK: This is shocking to me and many others. I’ll start with the picture which tells the entire story, actually. I don’t need to add many words because you can guess what is going on. The problem is I can’t publish the photo on this page as …

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Veterinarian’s hypocritical statement about cat declawing is breathtaking

Declawing cat

The hypocrisy of Dr. Joanne Carlson DVM is breathtaking. She is the President of the Illinois State Veterinary Medical Association. She is pushing back on a proposed law that would ban declawing in Illinois. Veterinarians normally do pushback when politicians propose a declawing ban because declawing is a good revenue stream for the vets. …

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10 reasons why cat declawing is wrong, unethical and immoral

Picture and words which explain why toes are so important to domestic cats and why they should not be mutilated by veterinarians under the banner 'declawing'.

1. Grooming It is rarely if ever mentioned but a domestic cat uses their claws as part of their grooming routine. Every cat needs and desires to be well groomed. A coat in good condition is vital for their well-being. For temperature control, cleanliness, waterproofing and for controlling scent-signalling. As a consequence, cats are …

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Choose a veterinarian sensibly (infographic)

Choose your vet sensibly

The infographic says almost all I want to say on the topic but I’ll add a few afterthoughts. If I was living in the United States, the number one criteria would be the head vet’s response to the question: “Do you declaw cats for non-therapeutic reasons?” A yes answer would mean instant rejection. A …

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