Extra pollution from EV tyre wear undermines the electric car revolution

Tyre wear undermines EV revolution

This article is ultimately about cats and their welfare because they breathe the same air that we breathe. Pollution inside the home can be worse than outside. Urban-dwelling full-time indoor cats might be breathing in polluted air that their owners are unaware of. This is a hidden health issue which can come home to …

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Most wood-burner owners don’t realise they are harmful with kids and cats the most vulnerable

Wood burning stoves look great but they are harmful but most owners don't realise it

Pretty well everybody loves the look of a wood-burning stove in the living room. There’s nothing really better to make it homely and visually appealing. For a long time they surged in popularity for this reason. But they are harmful. RELATED: Britons turn to log burning to cut bills but how safe is this …

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Social media user asks “How do you discipline a cat without hitting him?”

A user on the quora.com website asks what I consider to be an inappropriate question about cat caregiving namely, “How do you discipline a cat without hitting them?” The woman (Julia) considered hitting her cat to discipline him. I responded by saying that her cat is very unhappy living in her small apartment and …

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Corn-based cat litter can be food for pests which is a downside

Corn based cat litter pellets

There must be some upsides in buying corn-based cat litter but I’m focusing on the downsides here. The major downsides emanate from the obvious fact that corn is a food. Not only food for people but pests including worms. A contributor to this website said that she received a voucher for corn-based litter and …

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Sphynx cats are high maintenance

Sphynx cats are high maintenance

The sphynx cat breed has become one of the most popular over the past 5-10 years. This is due to their unique and unusual appearance and what is said to be their intelligence. They have a monkey-like character and abilities and can make excellent companions with the right person who should realise, before adopting, …

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Why should I avoid adopting a traumatized cat?

You shouldn’t avoid adopting a traumatised cat and the question in the title begs many more questions such as: Those are just some of the questions I would ask. There will be more. Sometimes shelter cats can be labelled traumatised not because they are traumatised but because they are currently living in a shelter …

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Iconic sycamore gap tree chainsawed. 16-year-old arrested.

Iconic Sycamore tree felled in an act of vandalism

There is worldwide dismay at the felling of a treasured tree; the world-renowned and iconic Sycamore Gap Tree in Northumberland which won the public vote to be crowned Tree of the Year in 2016 by the Woodland Trust. The charity described it as “one of the most photographed trees in the UK”. The reason …

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Happy cat campaign tip 2 – observe your cat’s behaviour and take notes

Observe your cat and make some mental notes to find out what makes them tick and happy

In 2011 a veterinary charity in the UK assessed the physical and social environment of domestic cats and decided that on average in cat owners needed to improve as the score they came up with was 64%. Unsurprisingly, the score was lower in homes where there was more than one cat because issues surrounding …

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