600 rescue cats and dogs in a Hercules C-130 plane in historic flight

Cat and dog rescue flight from Hawaii in C-130 Hercules plane

The charities involved have shipped 600 rescue cats and dogs from Hawaiian animal shelters in a Hercules C-130 plane to the US mainland in an historic operation. This is a really good photograph of cats on the tarmac at an Hawaiian airport by George F Lee. It shows the Hawaiian Humane Society admissions manager …

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Domestic cat’s highly-acidic digestive system

Domestic cat's digestive tract

The domestic cat’s digestive organs quite closely resemble those of humans. Working backwards they are the rectum, large intestine (colon), small intestine, duodenum, stomach, oesophagus and the mouth. One difference between humans and cats with respect to their digestive systems is that food stays in the mouth of a cat for a much shorter …

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It’s National Cat Day in the US so what can I do about it?

Cat ownership

National Cat Day was started to highlight cats at cat rescue shelters and to celebrate the domestic cat companion. Therefore, this day, which takes place on October 29 annually in the US, should be for people who do not live with a cat and those who do. For people who are thinking about adopting …

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Chicago cat shelter sells groups of feral cats for up to $600 to combat city’s rat problem

TNR'ed feral cats protect a brewery from rats

The CNN video tells us that Chicago has the worst rat problem in America. A lot of people think that domestic, stray and feral cats are not very effective at catching rats. It depends upon the individual cat but the important point to note here is that we are not discussing how effective feral …

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Why are black cats associated with Halloween?

Black cats and Halloween

You can easily link black cats with the specific superstition that they were agents of the Devil. Some people still believe it. You can link black cats to witchcraft and cat familiars i.e. cats belonging to witches, but it is harder to link black cats to Halloween because Halloween is a celebration in which …

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Australian professor claims that toxoplasmosis from cats causes 200 fatal car accidents annually in Australia

Prof Sarah Legge

Professor Sarah Legge, of the Australian National University and the University of Queensland is the lead scientist of a team who carried out a study on the impact of diseases transmitted from cats to people on the Australian economy. These are zoonotic diseases. I’ve not seen the actual research paper but I don’t think …

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