Does feeding a domestic cat blunt their desire to hunt?

Confine your cat to stop him bringing mice into the home

To rephrase the title, you might ask the following question: “Do well-fed domestic cats hunt as much and with the same conviction as cats that aren’t fed?” The best answer that I can find on this topic is from Dr. Jon Bradshaw in his book Cat Sense. He is far more nuanced in his …

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How long can a domestic cat go without food?

Domestic cat not eating

The question is meant to help cat owners who are aware that their cat has stopped eating for an unknown reason and the question enters their mind as to how long their cat can stop feeding until further problems arise. It would be an unlikely scenario, however. And, it is difficult to find an …

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How to give a kitten milk replacement formula

Dog bottle feeds kitten and warms up the milk at the same time

I am taking this information exclusively from the work of four veterinarians in writing the reference book Cat Owner’s Home Veterinary Handbook. It is an excellent book. I don’t have personal experience of feeding kittens with milk replacement formula. Kittens can be fed milk replacement using a special pet nursing bottle or the commercially …

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Why do domestic cats still wish to maintain a home range?

Domestic cat home range in Australia

The reason why the domestic cat’s wildcat ancestor maintains a home range i.e. a section of landscape that they call home, is because they want to protect a food resource. This makes sense. It’s about survival. The domestic cat, in a typical home where they are well looked after, has a ready-made food source. …

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Feeding your cat well should reduce the area over which they patrol

Cat feeding

Indoor/outdoor cats do not need to patrol their territory in order to find food when they are well fed. But domestic cats still, instinctively, patrol their ‘home range’ (the area they call home). Domestic cats are attached to their territory as much as they are attached to their human caregiver. It’s about habits and …

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Do cats like their water bowl at a distance from their food bowl?

Distance between food and water for cats. Why?

People ask: Why do cats like their water separate from their food? They are asking if cats like their water bowl at a distance from their food bowl. And if they do; why? You see some pretty fancy arguments as to why cats like this but I’d bet my bottom dollar that these are …

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Why do cats sometimes flick one hind paw after eating?

Domestic cat flicking leg after eating

We are referring to domestic cats. Perhaps wild cats do it as well. Some of them probably do and one species definitely does: the African wildcat, the ancestor of the domestic cat. I have just this minute watched my cat eat some dry cat food and immediately after eating he flicked or briefly shook …

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