Is toxoplasmosis a serious problem for humans?

Toxoplasma parasite engages in 'identity theft' of immune cell to travel around the host's body

There is a disconnect between what we read about the seriousness of toxoplasmosis as stated on the Internet and what we experience in real life. Nobody is screaming and shouting about the damaging effect of toxoplasmosis on the human population in any area of the world. But if you believe what you read on …

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WHITE COAT WASTE PROJECT’s campaign stops American funding of animal experiments in China and Russia

WCW stop American taxpayer funding of animal experiments abroad

The WHITE COAT WASTE PROJECT is a fantastic organisation. They spotted a form of madness, wastefulness and moral turpitude, which other organisations had missed. It was the funding by the US government of laboratories occupied by men and women in white coats experimenting on animals in foreign countries with goals that are not in …

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Can I cuddle my cat with ringworm?

Ringworm transmitted to cat owners can be cured in minutes with UVB light

NO. People ask whether they can cuddle their cat if their cat has ringworm. Through personal experience, I would strongly suggest that you do not cuddle your cat if they have ringworm. This is because it is a highly contagious fungal infection which is likely to be transmitted to you as it is zoonotic …

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Notes about bird flu, domestic cats and people

Bird flu

It might be useful just to briefly touch on the bird flu epidemic which affects America and other countries. I’m going to refer exclusively to America in this article partly because America’s CDC have some very useful information about it. Firstly, they remind us that bird flu is zoonotic. It can be transferred from …

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Experts sound alarm over babesiosis a tick-borne disease that kills people and infects cats

Babesiosis on the rise in the United States

The tick, an unpleasant ectoparasite, is back in the news. We all know about Lyme disease carried by ticks but this is different. It’s a disease called babesiosis and it can be fatal to people in 20% of sufferers. And it’s on the increase in America where the incidence of the disease has more …

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Bird flu kills five domestic cats in the United States of America


NEWS AND COMMENT: This is a worrying development. I’ve written about bird flu before and the fact that it is a zoonotic disease which means that it can be transmitted between animals and people. Covid-19 is also a zoonotic disease and we know how badly that affected the entire planet. And today, The Sun, …

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Texas man partially lost his eyesight after his new cat frequently scratched him (it was cured)

Cat scratch fever infection

A study has found the mainstream news media. It is about cat scratch fever (disease) causing partial blindness in a Texas man, aged 47. It is published online in the American Journal of Case Reports. The study is called “Bartonella Neuroretinitis: There Is More to Cat Scratch Disease Than Meets the Eye”. The conclusion …

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South Africa’s 8,000-12,000 farmed lions are diseased and a potential risk to human health

Remains of lions at a South African lion farm

The Born Free Foundation tells us that there are as many as 8000-12,000 captive lions on lion farms in South Africa. They are bred to be shot for fun or their body parts exported to China or some other Asian countries perhaps for medicinal purposes based upon superstition and not science. The whole thing …

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