How fast do cats breed?

Mom Cat and Kitten Cat

I’m referring to domestic, stray and feral cats. I am not referring to wild cats because there is quite a big difference. Without some sort of restraint on numbers (and there is always restraint on numbers) a cat population can increase “at a startling rate” according to Dr. Desmond Morris. And according to anybody …

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Feral cats: doing the right thing is much harder than the quick fix but it’s better

The battle of wills about how to deal with feral cats is the battle of morality over expediency. It is the battle of doing the right thing over the quick fix. It is the battle over long-term thinking versus short-term thinking. There is a battle going on in many parts of the world about …

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Castration of male domestic cats increases hair length from short to medium

Does neutering male cats make then less strong?

In a study by A.G. Searle, University College, London, entitled Gene frequencies in London’s cats, which was carried out in the summer of 1947, it was concluded that “There is a significant tendency for male castration to increase hair length from short to medium… It is well established that castration inhibits baldness in Man.”

Castration cause hair to grow
Castration cause hair to grow. Extract from the report mentioned.

My research does confirm that castration of a man will stop the balding process. You can’t reverse baldness with castration but you can stop it getting worse. Mr Searle uses that information, which appears to be accepted by the experts, to support the notion that castration of male domestic cats leads to an increase in hair length from short to medium.

My research on the Internet produced nothing which supports that assessment. That does not mean that it is incorrect. It just means that it has not been discussed and/or any discussions have not been reported on the Internet.

Male cat neutering
Male cat neutering. Photo: O’Dwyer and Jones vets.

It is a very interesting thought nonetheless. This is partly because a very high percentage of male domestic cats are castrated i.e. sterilised or neutered to use another word. And nobody has ever told me that it might increase the hair length of a cat. And I would be confident in saying that a veterinarian has hardly ever if ever told their customer that their shorthaired cat is going to have medium length hair after the neutering operation 😉. And nobody has reported that effect on my website. And indeed, my cat’s hair length did not change after he was neutered. Or that, at least, is my impression.

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Tips on trapping cats by a ‘cat trapper extraordinaire’

Daria Weber, a Martin County resident, brings several trapped feral cats to the Animal Medical Hospital on Wednesday, Dec. 1, 2021 in Stuart, where the cats can be spayed or neutered, as part of the county-approved trap and release program.

I have to write about Daria Weber because she is the kind of person that I admire more than any other. She quietly gets on with her voluntary work with commitment and persistence, helping the community, not seeking reward except the knowledge that she is improving animal welfare. She deserves recognition. Daria Weber has …

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Tomcats cannot tell the difference between spayed and intact females

Big boss cat in Japan

Tomcats can’t, it seems, tell the difference between females who have been spayed and those that have not been spayed. This information comes from Dr. John Bradshaw in his book Cat Sense It is based upon his admittedly “casual observations”. He writes that “tomcats seem unable to distinguish between neutered females that form the …

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Adrenal glands of domestic cats produce small amounts of testosterone

Adrenal glands of domestic cats

I have spent a considerable time this morning trying to work out why neutered male cats still hump (sometimes). My cat does it. So where does this sex drive come from? A male cat’s testicles produce testosterone which motivates a male cat to have sex. The neutering operation removes the testicles. Does this mean …

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