Domestic cat predatory behaviour linked to hunger, prey size and personality

Domestic cat predation behaviour is dependent of 3 factors: personality, hunger and prey size

It is commonly said that hunger does not dictate whether a domestic cat engages in predatory behaviour as domestic cats instinctively hunt and this desire is not influenced by whether they are hungry or not. However, the picture is more nuanced than that according to the findings of a study which was published along …

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If you are vegan and a cat owner and refuse to give your cat meat you should do this.

A bowl designed to avoid cat whisker fatigue

On social media, a user asked what food they could give their “vegan cat” because they refuse to feed their cat anything non-vegan because they don’t eat such products in their home. The person refused to change their ways. And on social media that person was heavily criticised. Everybody criticised them and they threw …

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When to know your cat is asking for food you don’t have

Cat meowing for food you don't have

This is a little thought that might help one of two people. Nothing startling but it has just happened to me and I am sure that it happens to many other cat caregivers. Scenario – habits You give your cat a treat at the same every day when the treat is available. In my …

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Should I give my cat food after vomiting?

Should I feed my cat after she has vomited?

The answer to the question depends upon whether your cat is regurgitating or vomiting and the kind of vomiting which is taking place. Regurgitation needs to be differentiated from vomiting so we can get that out of the way first. This topic is veterinarian’s work but cat caregivers need to have some knowledge about …

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No wet cat food waste (infographic)

Empty bowl under a no waste wet cat food regime

Do you aspire to that cat caregiving utopian ideal of no wet food waste left in the bowl after a feeding or even after five feedings? Well, I’ve achieved it. I’m boasting but I’ve done it through precision feeding. The Infographic explains the MO but I will add a few words. There are perhaps …

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Are cats pickier with food than dogs and if so, why?

The answer is a confident yes and it is mainly to do with their sweet and bitter taste receptors. Humans have over 9,000 taste receptors, dogs have 1,700, while cats have only 473. Dogs taste sweetness much better than cats. Another difference is that dogs are scavengers and cats are not. In round terms …

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How long can a domestic cat go without food?

Domestic cat not eating

The question is meant to help cat owners who are aware that their cat has stopped eating for an unknown reason and the question enters their mind as to how long their cat can stop feeding until further problems arise. It would be an unlikely scenario, however. And, it is difficult to find an …

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