Sad “Big Red” a special ginger tabby feral cat who decided to be domesticated

Big Red

Big Red is a special ginger tabby feral cat, found in St George, Utah, USA, and rescued; and once rescued he decided to be domesticated and feel the warmth, both physical and emotional, of having a human caregiver look after him. I guess he had had enough of being a feral cat, struggling to …

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How do feral cats deal with fleas?

Bad flea infestation on a kitten who is probably anemic as a result

By and large feral cats put up with fleas; that’s how they deal with them. They accept them as a way of life and tolerate them because they have to. It’s strange because I’ve just written a story about a cat hoarding man in the UK. He was hoarding domestic cats and people outside …

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Sentience is central to cat welfare

Kurt Corbain with cats. He loved animals

I’m going to refer to cats more than other animals but of course sentence applies to any animal. What is sentience? It is the ability to feel and experience emotions, both positive and negative. Cats and other animals can experience pain and joy. It is central to our relationship with animals and to the …

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Islamic faith drives concern for stray cats of Jeddah during coronavirus pandemic

Feeding Jeddah's stray cats

NEWS/VIEWS-SAUDI ARABIA: in accordance with the teachings of the Islamic faith, animal advocates and caring residents in the city of Jeddah, have come up with an innovative method to feed hungry, stray cats which is needed because of rigid restrictions on movement introduced to stop the spread of the deadly coronavirus which has prevented …

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City in Florida stops funding TNR program with ‘holes in it’

Pretty and well fed feral cats

Port Orange, Florida: The mayor says that city funded TNR in Port Orange, which started in 2012, is not working while those involved in it say it is and neighbouring TNR programs in Deltona and Daytona Beach are successful and chugging along. “We’re spending a lot of money with a program that has some …

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Neighbor complained about feral colony in Elkhart, Indiana. The situation is beyond critical.

feral cats

A feral colony that volunteers helped to spay/neuter in Elkhart, Indiana last fall are losing their home, thanks to a neighbor complaining. This story highlights the split in attitudes in how to manage stray and feral cat colonies. IF YOU’D LIKE TO HELP PLEASE TAKE A LITTLE TIME TO LOBBY THE CITY COUNCILLORS. CLICK …

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