American cities where you will find the most pet friendly apartments (2023)

Renters with pets are fine in Austin, Texas

NEWS AND COMMENT: As I understand it, it is expensive to purchase property in Austin, Texas because of the success of big businesses in that city followed by an influx of people and therefore greater demand for properties. So, the prices go up but the good news is that out of a hundred cities …

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Blind cat ‘Nado’ rescued from the rubble of Texas animal shelter destroyed by a tornado (picture)

Blind cat Nado rescued from tornado damaged animal shelter in Texas

This is such a tender, sad, compelling photograph of a blind cat who was rescued from the Jacksboro Animal Shelter in Texas. The shelter was destroyed by a tornado. It seems that Texas has been affected by tornadoes recently. Perhaps they’ve been off the news because of the Ukraine invasion. They named the cat …

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Cat picture of the year 2021

Man in white T shirt captures his tiger from Houston residential area after it escaped his home

This is a great picture of a cat; a pet Bengal tiger. People are involved. There is tension. It is newsworthy. The photo was captured by an unknown member of the public on their smartphone I suspect. It is the cat picture of the year for me and I don’t think it will be …

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Let’s think of the feral cats during the exceptionally cold Texas weather

Feral cats in winter are vulnerable to harm

The exceptionally cold Texas weather catastrophe is a global warning. They say that it is a sign of global warming. Fortunately and thankfully the forecast for Houston Texas is that conditions are rapidly warming up this weekend. Temperatures get back to about 20°F. But over the past days I’ve been thinking of the feral …

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Attorneys need to check their old Dell monitor webcams for that Zoom kitten filter software

Live avatar software for providing a filter to your face in a Zoom virtual meeting

Freestanding and Dell laptop monitors ten years old are probably not that rare in lawyers’ offices. If I am correct they should be checked for that fun but dreaded webcam filter which so embarassed attorney Rod Ponton and his secretary during his virtual court hearing, until the funny side became apparent. Zoom court hearings …

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Is it legal to own a bobcat in Texas?

Bobcat at Big Bend Texas

The answer to the question in the title can be found in a Texas statute called: HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE – TITLE 10. HEALTH AND SAFETY OF ANIMALS – CHAPTER 822. REGULATION OF ANIMALS – SUBCHAPTER E. DANGEROUS WILD ANIMALS – Sec. 822.101. There is a list in this section which includes the bobcat. …

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Are lions legal in Texas?

Male lion

The answer depends upon which legal entity has custody of, or owns the lion or lions. There are different rules for individual people and organisations either for profit or non-profit. I would recommend that you read the law on this which you can find by clicking here. In essence, the answer is as follows: …

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Is it legal to own a serval in Texas?


If you are an individual, by which I mean you are not a commercial or non-profit enterprise, as specified by the regulations, then it is legal to own a serval in Texas provided you have a “certificate of registration” (i.e. a license) for the serval “issued by an animal registration agency”. In other words, …

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