Is euthanizing a healthy cat cruel?

Is euthanising a healthy cat cruel?

Let’s first define the word ‘cruel’. It means “wilfully causing pain or suffering to others, or feeling no concern about it.” Note that there has to be the causation of pain and suffering. Euthanasia done properly by a veterinarian using proper techniques in conjunction with respect and care does not cause pain and suffering to …

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NE Iowa cat lady rescues 3 abandoned cats in woodland

Rescuing cats

She is “Helping kitties in NE Iowa”. She’s charming. She is nice. She is doing great work in saving the lives of abandoned kitties in the US among other cat welfare activities: TNR and fostering. Great woman and, you know, there are lots of women like this in the US. There really are. They …

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The Animals (Low-Welfare Activities Abroad) Act bans the advertising and sale of specific unethical activities contrary to animal welfare

Tiger temple

Like any decent animal advocate, I am delighted to briefly talk about a new British act of Parliament, the Animals (Low-Welfare Activities Abroad) Act. It’s a bit of a mouthful but it’s important. Essentially, it stops companies and other businesses in Britain advertising and selling “specific unethical activities abroad where animals are kept in …

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Do servals eat frogs and fish?

Servals eat frogs and fish and enjoy hunting in wetlands

Yes, servals eat frogs and fish. The serval has a preference for wetland habitats and therefore it is unsurprising that they hunt in water and don’t mind getting their feet wet (Wild Cats of the World). Captive servals deftly hook live fish out of water and in the wild servals have been seen hunting …

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Daughter gave a cat to her dying dad with dementia

Dying man with dementia comforted by the presence of a cat

The story, presented in the form of an infographic, is instructive. It tells us that when we can’t give a dying relative with dementia a present because they won’t understand what it’s for, they will instinctively respond to the presence of a cat or dog. Dementia or not, it seems that humans respond positively …

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Cat brings chained dog food

Cat brings food to chained dog

This is a story told in a picture. I don’t have more information. It is charming and I believe that it is probably true but I can’t vouch for it. The picture of the cat and dog is posted on the website. I’ve turned it into an infographic image as it is very suitable for that form of publication. It is not that rare for cats to help dogs and vice versa. It is also cruel to chain dogs all their lives. Terribly cruel actually. It is done by people who are insensitive to the sentience of animals. It is the way they were raised, I guess. They don’t know better. It all comes down to education at the end of the day.

In some states of America permanently chaining dogs like this is banned. It is banned in the UK and it would be illegal to do this in the UK under more than one animal welfare law, the primary one being the Animal Welfare Act 2006.

Any country with decent animal welfare laws that are properly enforced would not permit permanently chained dogs. Although most countries have animals welfare laws which would make dog chaining illegal, they do not enforce their laws with enough commitment and so it happens.

Below are some more articles on cats and dogs.

Iconic sycamore gap tree chainsawed. 16-year-old arrested.

Iconic Sycamore tree felled in an act of vandalism

There is worldwide dismay at the felling of a treasured tree; the world-renowned and iconic Sycamore Gap Tree in Northumberland which won the public vote to be crowned Tree of the Year in 2016 by the Woodland Trust. The charity described it as “one of the most photographed trees in the UK”. The reason …

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