Why do cats scratch some owners more than others?

Stress and irritability can lead to more cat scratches

I’d like to focus on one aspect of cat caregiving and a vital one. There is no doubt that a small percentage of cat owners are scratched by their cat not infrequently while other cat owners are hardly ever scratched. We don’t have percentages as there is no data on this. Socialised and healthy …

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Man who put his cat in a blender video jumped

Xu Zhi Hui

This is a disturbing and confusing story but I have gradually unravelled it since posting this page. And the wording of the title I have used for this post is confusing as well. It is taken from Twitter. Please read the whole page as the end is important – I tracked down the man …

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Can cats and dogs sense human intentions?

Dog recognises the good intentions of this man who wants to help

Yes, is the answer to the question in the title and that assessment comes from scientific studies which have shown that cats and dogs can read humans through their body language and voice and from personal experience and anecdotal evidence. The video on this page is an example. A good one and a good …

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If you believe that a black cat brings good luck this is why

Black cats bring good luck for some. I explain the origins of this belief

To be candid, the superstitions surrounding the black cat are numerous and they either say that they bring bad or good luck in about equal numbers. That’s the power of superstition. Completely irrational but understandable. It is only the human who can harbour these strange beliefs. However, if you believe that black cats bring …

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Computer games like Assassin’s Creed: Origins devalues cats as you can kill them brutally

Violence against a domestic cat in Assassin's Creed: Origins

There are some computer games in which the players have the opportunity to kill domestic cats. Is this sensible? Does it encourage the players to progress to killing real cats? Is there a connection between violence in computer games and violence in real life? It begs the question if violent films and television series …

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Cat owners with negative feelings are more likely to report cat problems

Neurotic cat owners perceive their cat differently

Human character can be categorised in five ways which must overlap to varying extents. They are: Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Extroversion, Neuroticism and Openness. I want to look at the penultimate character trait: neuroticism. It sounds very negative and critical but I think you’ll find that psychiatrists define neurotic people as those who have negative thoughts …

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You’re not a cat hoarder but a cat food hoarder!

Well stocked with cat food at this home

There is an interesting discussion on cat food on social media. It’s about how much you store in your kitchen or to use an old-fashioned word, pantry. Does this picture reflect your attitude to cat food purchase and storage? The person concerned said that visitors to her home said that she spoiled her cats …

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Can humans eat cat food and will it be cheaper?

Tuna open sandwich made with wet cat food

In general terms, the answer to the two questions in the title are (a) yes and (b) yes but it depends upon the food quality. Eating cat food to save money is not a long-term solution and it is not ideal. And people tend to store cat food less well than they do human …

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