Amazing and heartwarming before and after pictures of a rescued cat

This is a "before and after" montage of a cat that was rescued from the street and then looked after. You can see the stark difference

I do not think that you will see a better before and after couple of pictures of a cat that was rescued from the street and then adopted by the rescuer. These events happen sometimes and as we can see in this montage, the cat was in a terribly messy way which must have …

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What is the blue-cream cat coat?

Dilute tortoiseshell

The blue-cream cat coat is a dilute version of the black-red cat coat which describes the tortoiseshell coat so the blue-cream coat is a dilute tortoiseshell. Blue is a dilute black. It is blue-grey. Grey cats are called ‘blue cats’ by the cat fancy as you probably know in recognition of the slight blue …

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WHITE COAT WASTE PROJECT ends ALL primate testing and breeding at FDA’s monkey lab

WCW close US government funded monkey business

In another stunning success the White Coat Waste Project (WCW) has achieved yet another victory in closing the FDA’s biggest monkey lab, the National Centre for Toxicological Research (NCTR), which ended all primate testing and breeding. At the time of WCW’s campaign against this waste of American taxpayer dollars and animal cruelty, NCTR experimentation …

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Should I give my cat food after vomiting?

Should I feed my cat after she has vomited?

The answer to the question depends upon whether your cat is regurgitating or vomiting and the kind of vomiting which is taking place. Regurgitation needs to be differentiated from vomiting so we can get that out of the way first. This topic is veterinarian’s work but cat caregivers need to have some knowledge about …

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Animal rescuers refused access to site of Hawaiian fire to find surviving cats

This is one cat which survived the Hawaiian wildfires on the island of Maui

Animal rescue groups on the Hawaiian island of Maui are being refused access to the disaster zone to search for surviving cats. The report comes from the Daily Mail in the UK. They say that it is an exclusive. Animal rescue groups are insistent that pet cats are still hiding out in Lahaina wreckage …

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Improving the health of cat caregivers through prescriptions for fruit and veg!

Prescriptions for fruit and veg is a proactive way to improve health

This is written in good faith with the desire to help. I am not judging or criticising anyone. We are all human. I battle daily to maintain a healthy BMI (currently 20.8). This is another of my articles focusing on cat caregivers rather than directly on the cat. It is looking at cat caregiving …

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In the UK you could be fined £5,000 if your cat or dog is unrestrained inside your vehicle

Rule 57 of the Highway Code in the UK states that cats and dogs must be restrained inside a moving vehicle.

In the UK, a cat or dog needs to be restrained inside the car when it is being driven under rule 57 of the Highway Code. I bet you didn’t know that! I didn’t. Knowing the rule possibly doesn’t make a great deal of difference to me or you because you probably almost automatically …

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Lucy Letby’s two cats have been rehomed

Lucy Letby is, today, infamous and their entire previous life has been made history and her two cats rehomed

NEWS AND VIEWS: This is the sad, little cat story behind the Lucy Letby story. The world knows about her and the fact that she was convicted of murdering seven babies in a neonatal unit at the Countess of Chester Hospital between June 2015 and June 2016 while employed as a nurse. She was …

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