Link between dirty air and more veterinary visits for your cat or dog

PM 2.5 pollutants harm cats and dogs too

There is a link, as confirmed by a study, between living in a place where the air is dirty i.e. polluted and increased veterinary visits for cats and dogs. This is unsurprising because we know that polluted air causes health problems for people so why not for pets? I guess it just needed to …

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Jack Gough, of the Invasive Species Council (Australia), lies about feral cats causing 25 species extinctions


Jack Gough is the advocacy director at the Invasive Species Council. He said the following about feral cats and the extinction of native Australian species: “Feral cats have sent at least 25 of our native species extinct since they were introduced by Europeans over 200 years ago. Large numbers of our native species are …

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Why do people think declawing a cat is inhumane but neutering is not? Isn’t neutering more painful?

63 jurisdictions ban cat declawing as at Dec 2023

Well, it is a question that of often asked. But the answer is clear and to be honest obvious. Neutering is necessary sadly as without sterilising domestic cats there would be even more homeless cats, more misery and more shelter killings. Declawing is entirely unnecessary as there are alternative ways. Also declawing can cause …

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Assisted dying of people and pets (slippery slope)

Tom Rhind-Tutt

This is about the euthanasia of companion animals versus assisted dying of people and that all important slippery slope. There’s an interesting article online today (The Telegraph) about an excellent veterinarian who loved his work (and still does to a certain extent) who it appears to me became somewhat disillusioned because he was asked …

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Ready to de-clutter your wardrobe? Ready to get rid of your cat? Use Vinted!

Zara McDermott distraught at the advert on Vinted selling a tortie cat for 130 pounds

NEWS AND OPINION: Vinted is an app-based website through which you can de-clutter your wardrobe and get rid of those clothes you no longer want. In the modern world, clothes have quite a short lifespan. In the old days, days gone by, we kept clothes until they wore out and then we repaired them! …

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