Declawing Cats

a cat that has just been declawed showing pain and a lot of distress

See the story behind this picture.

The American nation is in denial about declawing cats. But it is gradually coming out of it. There is so much to say about this subject that I decided to build an umbrella page, this one, to hold all the blog posts and whatever else is produced.

This page was written years ago. It is still completely valid and useful. If you want to read recent posts about cat declawing please click on this link to the a list of articles. At the long base of the page there are many links to many more articles. This site has over 300 pages on declawing all of them vehemently against it of course.

Cat claw regrowth after declawing
An example of cat claw regrowth after declawing. Photo: Dr. Rachel Fuentes. Many thanks.

Please note…that this page is not an attack on America or Americans. I like both. It is an attack on the practice of declawing cats conducted by vets at the request of cat keepers. I don’t want to do this but I must speak up on behalf of the cat and if that upsets some people, so be it. I cannot remain silent on this topic because to do so would betray the cat and that would totally undermine the purpose and reason for the existence of this website.

Only a tiny fraction of one percent of this website is provocative and this page is one example because it is pointless talking about this subject in bland language.

Whether you dislike or like what I say please join the debate by commenting.

Very Important Cat Declawing Study
Very Important Cat Declawing Study

Please see: Declawing Alternatives is a post I made which points to other useful pages.

Update 25th Nov. 2010

Since building this page over one year ago, the pro-claw lobby has progressed a lot in my opinion. It isn’t just that there are eight cities in California who have banned declawing. There are a lot more websites and webpages arguing the case for a stop to declawing cats. I sense the mood is changing and I hope that gradually more and more veterinarians, little by little, decide to stop declawing cats; not for ethical reasons but for business reasons as the customers gradually become educated about the enormous pain it causes and that it is unnecessary chose vets who don’t declaw.

This is the power of the internet and education. If cat caretakers change their thinking about declawing the vets are bound to follow because most of them prioritise financial profit over genuine animal welfare.

We should keep fighting for cat’s claws and think long term and we will arrive one day at a time when this aberration in American society will be no longer.

Declawing poster
by Ruth aka Kattaddorra

There are links to about 250 pages on the subject of declawing cats on this page! This is the biggest on the internet bar none.

Who is Responsible for Declawing Cats?
Mainly the people who keep cats who don’t know any better
Mainly because the veterinarians willingly do it or even promote it
Both cat keeper and veterinarian are equally to blame free polls

declawing cats pictures of cats

hands up declawing poster


When you talk about cat declawing you only talk about the United States. It really doesn’t happen anywhere else. The process is interwoven into the fabric of American society and ultimately it is the American veterinary surgeon who is to blame for causing such a bottomless pit of pain and distress. The exact opposite that he or she is under oath to achieve.

In addition to the fundamental issues, such as national denial, consumerism, instant gratification, financial profit, unethical practices, the arrogance of the human, all of which underpin the ghastly process of cat declawing, there is the gradual trickle of news that is drip, drip, dripping out of this proud nation.

And the news is generally good news and it concerns legislation, yes, the law. As the veterinary associations continue to be in denial about their heinous crimes and defend the indefensible the only way to begin the long journey of stopping this legalised cruelty is to use the law and make it no longer legal. In short to criminalise it as is the case in Great Britain, for example (under the Animal Welfare Act 2006).

The first tentative steps are being taken at grass roots level, the only place where there is the will and means to change. There are too many discordant viewpoints at state or national level to pass laws. There are too many people with financial interests to pass laws at state level. By my reckoning the business of declawing cats is worth $20 billion. Vets are not going to give that up without a fight and to hell with the cat!

The city councillors (is it a city? – I am not American) of West Hollywood are at the forefront of change being the only body of people in the United States (at July 2009) to have passed an ordinance (law or legislation – the word “ordinance “ is not used in the UK) that bans cat declawing. It goes against what veterinarians are licensed to do. It effectively regulates the veterinarians of West Hollywood. The council of West Hollywood have stepped into the shoes of the local veterinary association and the American Veterinary Medical Association and done their job for them because the AVMA won’t do the right and proper thing.

At the time of writing this (late 2009) it seems there is a battle of wits going on at the legislative level to regulate vets. West Hollywood ban declawing. The California Veterinary Medical Association challenge it and win then lose on appeal and the Supreme Court have by implication agreed the appeal court decision in not hearing a further appeal. Then the state of California (on an application by the AVMA) try and block other city legislators from following suit by prohibiting them from enacting legislation that in effect regulates the professions. That job should be in the hands of the state or the associations. The trouble is neither the state legislators not the associations can be relied upon to do the right thing.

The veterinary associations should be mortified because they are best placed to regulate their member veterinarians. As they have failed miserably to stop their own vets being constantly in breach of their ethical principles and oath in carrying out cat declawing procedures for non-therapeutic purposes the people through their elected representatives, the councilors, have decided to act.

Well, where do you start on the subject of declawing cats? We start with the simple acceptance that declawing cats is wrong. All right minded people will agree with that, as it is obvious, and no amount of circuitous and spurious argument by lawyers and veterinarians can change that.

Here are some articles on declawing cats. This is an expanding section because, as I mentioned, there is news and the law is changing albeit belatedly and slowly.

You can see the above video in a more readable large format on this page.


Cat Declawing Myths and Truths

Get the code for a banner that links to a declawing petition

Cat Scratching Furniture – how to manage it

Indoor Cats are Loved Cats?

Helmi Flick the great cat photographer on declawing

How cat declawing takes away a cat’s defences (only one of many negative effects)

Cat Claw Control – an article written for me by a concerned person – thanks

Cat Declaw Breaks The Criminal Law

Vets are in denial and have produced a range of ways of presenting it as acceptable: The Psychology of Declawing (new window)

American Vets are Unethical Towards the Cat (new window)

Tenectomy or Tendonectomy on Cats – more morally bankrupt behaviour by American veterinarians

Rate Veterinarians on Declawing – there is a poll on this page.

AVMA Policy on Declawing to use an American term, “sucks”

The bad people fight back and it needs to be stopped – Oppose California Bill SB 762 (new window)

Declawing? Why not detoothing as well? – Highlighting the absurdity of cat declawing

AVMA Veterinarians admit by implication that they act inhumanely in declawing cats (new window)

The veterinarians do not know the consequences of their actions in declawing (new window)

Declawing does not save lives it kills more cats in the long term (new window)

The Banfield Veterinary Group policy on declawing cats is at best very misleading (new window)

Declawing Banned in Los Angeles

Burbank Anti-Declawing Ordinance

Declawing Bans Should Worry Veterinarians

Where are the good veterinarians who need to speak out against declawing? (new window)

Two dogs played tug of war with declawed cat

Michael Avatar

From Declawing Cats to Home Page

To Cat Health Problems

Photo: this is by fofurasfelinas, a Flickr photographer of great talent. It is published under a Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs creative commons License — this site is for charitable purposes in funding cat rescue.


Apologies – the form has been removed. No problem. Just leave a comment at the base of the page. That’s easier.
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What Other Visitors Have Said

Click below to see contributions from other visitors to this page…

DECLAWING AND NEWLY QUALIFIED YOUNG VETS  This is the AVMA guideline about declawing cats:

‘Declawing of domestic cats should be considered only after attempts have been made to prevent the …

Petition: Ban Cat Declawing (Amputation) In the United States  Here’s another petition in need of your signature. I think the following very clearly explains, why declawing is animal cruelty.

Most people do not …

THERE ARE NO PRO DECLAW CATS  If anyone asked a million cats their opinion on declawing they would all agree that:

There are NO pro declaw cats.

This is a thumbnail. Please …

CLAWS ARE VERY IMPORTANT TO KITTENS  Elton the kitten in this video is around a month old.

He was found abandoned at only three weeks of age and is being well cared for in a Cats Protection …

Declawed Cat Story  My husband recently saw a cat who was freezing (he kept putting one foot down and then the other back and forth) and he let the cat come in the van and …

Trim Your Cat’s Claws  Trimming a cat’s claws is necessary if the cat is inactive for whatever reason, usually old age, and/or because your cat is a full-time indoor cat. Cats …

DECLAWING, WHY NOT TRIMMING?  My inspiration for this article and poster was this comment: ‘My cats claws grew curved and she kept getting them stuck in fabrics and the furniture and …

Cosmic Alpine Scratcher  Cosmic Alpine Scratcher – sounds super. And it works. Forty-two reviews on give it an average of 4.5 stars. And the delicious Christie Long,…

A Classic Declaw Complication  The post that I refer to, on a forum at The Cat Site (a competitor, by the way!), is a story based on first hand experience of what might happen when cats …

Selective Declawing in Polydactyl (Mitten-toed) Cats?  Selective declawing is a relatively rare procedure so I thought I would write a short post about it. There is no need to declaw the extra claw or whole …

Declawing Cats Is OK  I disagree with your stance on declawing cats. My experience has been that those cat owners, including myself, who have their cats declawed keep their …

Protecting Cats and Dogs in Californian Rental Housing  I am reporting on another attempt to introduce new legislation (law) in California that prohibits landlords insisting on cats being declawed before the …

DECLAWING DOUBLE STANDARDS  Definition of double standards: A set of principles permitting greater opportunity or liberty to one than to another.

Montage/poster by Ruth

So …

DECLAWING POLL  [The first part is a commentary on a declawing poll that is on another website. The second part gives you a chance to vote on declawing using this site’…

Non-human Persons Should Not Be Declawed  Gradually we, as humans, are seeing animals as non-human persons. Our attitude towards them is being adjusted. We are at the beginning of seeing them as …

DECLAWING DIFFERENT ATTITUDES   My inspiration for this article was a comment by an American lady on a debate on one of the anti-declaw Facebook groups.

She was against declawing …

CLAWS, WHISKERS AND TAILS   WHISKERS ARE IMPORTANT AND NECESSARY A cat’s whiskers are very sensitive to vibrations in air currents. As air swirls around them they vibrate. These …

What is bad about declawing your cat?  What is bad about declawing your cat?

1. Cat feels pain – lots of pain.

2. You feel bad giving your cat lots of pain.

3. Vet plays a mind game …

What are the pros and cons of declawing a cat?  Pros – short for professionals or prostitutes.
Cons – short for convicts or confidence tricks.


Vets who declaw cats are pros….

Larkspur Cat Clinic  Let’s promote the best cat veterinarians as well as criticise the worst. A black and white dividing line between the two is declawing. Vets who declaw …

Homely Dr Churan Advocates Automatic Declawing  Dr. Churan of the Animal Clinic Of South Elgin is the homely, friendly unassuming vet who could be your mom. She is the leading veterinarian at her clinic….

ANTI DECLAW VET TECHS   Many vet techs and receptionists in the USA and Canada are speaking out against declawing at the risk of losing their jobs.

Poster by Ruth (AKA …

How much does it cost to declaw a cat?  It costs the person this:

It costs the cat this:

Who is paying the most?

The lower photo is copyright protected please note. Please …

Do Americans want to keep declawing? Yes  You cannot escape the conclusion that Americans (as a nation) want to retain the practice of declawing cats. I have no option other than to come to that …

Cats don’t care if they have claws or not  I am the proud cat mom to three of the most beautiful creatures on the face of this earth. They own me, make no mistake about it. Chuck (almost 3 year …

I feel horrible after my cat was declawed  I have a wonderful cat! I got him as a kitten. He was the product of a barn cat and a wild cat of some sort. He really knew how to use his claws and teeth …

Tiger My Happy Declawed Kitty  My cat did fine and lives a happy normal life. After a few days he was back to jumping, running, and playing.

He didn’t like the neuter job that I …

SEBASTIAN RETURNS  Hi everyone…For those who haven’t read my diary that I wrote over a year ago, you can find it here:


..and part one leads to …

There is a time and place for declawing  I understand your opinion. But their are times where declawing means the cat will continue to live. For an example: I have a 5 month old kitten who was …

Happy Declawed Cats  I have had a couple of laser declawed Abyssinians and it did not effect their life negatively in any way.

They were pampered with the proper litter …

DECLAWING, DEFINGERING, ONE DIFFERENCE   A very good point about my last article ‘ Declawing, Defingering, No Difference ’ was raised by Clare on facebook who said: ‘There is one difference, I …


Claws are a wonderful and essential part of each and every cat.

When a cat is relaxed, walking, or playing gently, each claw …

I am so happy that people are starting to realise how cruel declawing is!  Hello there….I am so happy to have found this site! It makes me physically ill to know that declawing happens!

If people are too lazy to teach their …

The True Horror of Onychectomy

I have worked as a veterinary technician in the US for over 20 years. Most of my career has been spent in shelter medicine …


I was astonished to be informed that a new Facebook group had started with the title ’Declawing is not Cruel’. Their info page contains …


I really can’t understand why some people make such a big deal out of cats claws.

Someone goes out and gets a new puppy, they …


It makes me very happy that so many more people in the USA now know the truth that declawing is a cruel, unnecessary, major surgery …

Did you know that they declaw cats in New Zealand?  Yes, they do. But this time it concerns wildcats, specifically, lions in captivity, which for me is just as bad if not worse.

First we stick ’em in …

Let’s Praise Paws for Life and Courtney Trotz-Sanders  This is a story that makes me feel more optimistic about a change in attitude towards declawing in the United States of America.

It is a simple story….

Are Christians more likely to declaw cats?  This is a provocative question. I believe that there is a greater likelihood that a Christian will declaw his cat than an atheist. Here are my reasons….

Criticising Shari Lynn Rothstein-Kramer of Biscayne Times  Declawing cats is back on the PoC menu! I am going to take the unusual step of criticising a journalist, Shari Lynn Rothstein-Kramer, about her narrow …

The Domestic Cat is the Best Rat Deterrent in India  One important duty that Matata does is scaring away a rat or rats that come into my storage loft, despite barricading the same.

I release Matata onto …

Cats – Natural Born Rat Killers  Message to humans….my adopted cat helps me keep my home and environment “rat-free”.

Please do not declaw any cat or kitten for your selfish needs….

Real Virtual Pet For People Who Want To Declaw  This is the perfect alternative for people who want to keep a cat or dog companion but don’t want the hair on the bed, the cat litter dragged onto the …

Swheat Scoop Litter Support Declawing  I would just like to pick up on the point that Dr. Hofve makes about this make of cat litter. She says that the company that manufactures it promotes cat …

Cat declawing grosses veterinarians $1200 per hour  What can I say. The Paw Project on Facebook have calculated that veterinarians make $1200 per hour declawing cats. That is why they hate, detest, are extremely …

Does the declawing of cats in America damage America’s reputation?   This is Michael introducing a short post by an Australian. I have to introduce it because it is very harsh and some might say it is rude and impolite. It …

Declawing To Protect Children  To Declaw or to Not Declaw One particular hot topic question that stirs a lot of discussion is declawing. Many adults find declawing acceptable. They …

My Apology!  I want to offer my SINCERE apology for having used Michael’s blog over that last couple of months. MOST of the time I was absolutely serious, but I will …

Videos of cats walking desperately needed, please help!  Hi everyone, I need your help! I need good-quality videos of cats walking, preferably from the side although any angle will still be helpful. I need both …


My inspiration for this article was a comment on another page that ‘Cats are resilient and can handle a lot’.

This was written …

My Thoughts About Declawing  The declawing of domestic cats is now among the most commonly performed surgeries on the cat today in the United States. Declawing is also one of the top …

DECLAWED CATS IN HEAVEN  As anyone who read my posting on PoC last year will know, I miss my darling chocolate brown Persian little man ” Kizzy ” more than I can ever say.

There …

Kittens are born with claws, so don’t declaw your cats  This beautiful litter of Abyssinians were born yesterday at the Tick-Tag cattery, Denmark. The photos were taken by owner Helle Andersen just a few hours …

Declawed cat and no problem at all for six years  I adopted a four year old declawed cat six years ago. I advertised for one since I had antique furniture and did not want the cat sharpening claws on it….

I defingered my child – I had no other choice!  I woke up the other morning and went into the kitchen to make breakfast. Not to my surprise, I found that my daughter had yet again gotten up before me,…

Save Our Paws  Declawing is something people do for their own convenience without knowing what actually happens to their beloved cat.

Declawing is NOT a manicure….

Banning Declawing in Israel  I’d like to do my bit and spread the good news. The Knesset, the Israeli Parliament, is currently debating banning the declawing of cats. This story comes …

Cat Dexterity  I don’t think people think about cat dexterity that much (dexterity: “skill and grace in physical movement, especially in the use of the hands; adroitness….

The Shocking Images Of A Declawed Cat  Poster by Ruth

Thank you to the person who is allowing us to use these photos. This once happy healthy 6 month old kitten’s life changed forever …

We Adopted A Declawed Maine Coon  We recently acquired a Maine Coon cat from the previous owners who had to move and could not take him.

Never have I met a friendlier or more loving …

North American Veterinarians Who Never Declaw  I felt I needed to spread the word and do my bit so I have built a customized and unique (at Feb 2011) map that shows the exact locations of the veterinarians …

Discussing the Poll on Declawing and Devocalisation  Feb 2011: Susan Woodhouse kindly directed me to this infamous poll. I’d like to say that I have not seen the actual cold poll data. I have seen a lot of …

To Shout Or Not To Shout That Is The Question  I would just like to write a short note about the anti-declawing protest march in St. Louis on 17th July 2011. You can read about it on these pages: Anti-…

ABSURD TORTURE FOR NO REASON!  This whole subject hurts my soul to the very core!

Please read my article (when it appears) on –


I cannot …

How to train your cat to not scratch furniture and other objects  As a general rule, even among cat lovers ,-people tend to think that cats cannot be trained. I whole heartedly disagree with this assumption. Training …

Furniture for people that is designed to be cat scratched  I am thinking right out of the box here so I would welcome comments, even those that shoot me down. I don’t mind.

Why isn’t there furniture on the market …

Cat Parkour  Dorothy Wandruff got me onto cat parkour! She showed me a compilation of videos someone had spliced together of examples of the impressive parkour cat …

DECLAWING NIGHTMARES  A comment on another article inspired this poster and article. Kathryn said she hoped millions of amputated toe ends would return and haunt every vet …

Dr Glenn Ephraim: A money hungry vet with a love for declawing  On this website we’ve seen our share of greedy vets who promote declawing. They’re disgusting people who leave you feeling sick and furious. But Dr Glenn …

A DECLAWED CAT IS BEREAVED  Losing any essential body part must be very traumatic to a person or to an animal. In fact it must be something like a bereavement

I know two gentlemen …

Two dogs played tug of war with declawed cat  I have several cats in my house. In the county that I live in there is no place that will take a cat. No shelters, rescue sites or anything. So when someone …

DECLAWING AS PART OF ‘THE WORKS’  I was inspired to write this article because of a Google alert I received today.

A young girl was asking for advice about how to get her father to agree …

I LOVE CATS, CLAWS AND ALL   What I love about cats I could say in one single word:


Or I could write a whole book instead. But I’ll try to hit the happy medium.

I …

Our Newest Rescue Kittens Were Declawed  We have always had cats. The ones who went outside were never declawed. But for years, our cats have been inside cats. Our oldest cat was 18 yrs old when …

The Paw Project Video  13th January 2011: The Paw Project have published a new video. Thank you, The Paw Project! The more the better, I say.

I really like this video. These …

Tobby is a good reason why some people must declaw  We took in a cat that was to be put to sleep. He was a terror to the house. No curtain or piece of furniture was untouched.

We tried the nail covers …

This site informed me about declawing – thanks  I never knew the facts about declawing. I never knew what it was. Until one day I stumbled upon this website by accident. I am amazed at how much your …

DECLAW VETS ARE WRONG  Many people trust their vet, sadly some are much mistaken in doing so. Taking a kitten for inoculations and advice about her health and welfare can be …

Revealing: Declawing Vet Talks About Declawing  Just below the maps, you can play an audio file to listen to a declawing vet talk about declawing. It is revealing and instructive and I would be pleased …

ANTI-DECLAWING LEGISLATION (U.S.A.)  I received a voice mail from Carolyn at Senator Scott Brown’s office today. I believe the call came in yesterday; unfortunately, I was out sick as I really …


If only the people who believe laser declawing is humane had to try it for themselves first, the declawing of cats would immediately …


In the imaginary court room scene above, poor Mrs Trustedher has no hope of winning her case against Dr Claw. She was mislead by …

IN MANY LANGUAGES WE SAY NO TO DECLAWING   Declawing is banned or considered extremely inhumane and only performed under extreme circumstances in 38 countries of the world.

It’s totally banned …

Declawing From The Veterinary Staff’s Point Of View  As a veterinary assistant for several years, I’ve worked for two practices that performed cat declaws. I see what the cat owner doesn’t see after they …

CLAWS ARE ESSENTIAL AND BEAUTIFUL TOO  The paws and claws of cats are exceptionally well made and to those of us who truly love cats, those claws are as beautiful a part of the cat as any other …

Educating Children About Declawing  I have been more appalled by declawing this year than any year prior. Two-thirds of people ask to declaw immediately when they purchase a cat and they …

Prosecuting Vets and Clients For Declawing Cats  State prosecutors won’t file charges against veterinarians for the crime of animal abuse when declawing cats. Have you ever wondered why a veterinarian …

Tips on Cats? Not in my book!  I’m sure every right thinking visitor to PoC will want to comment on these words of wisdom, which are on a site called “ Tips on Cats ”, the site claims …

Various Ways to Protest Against the Declawing of Cats  I would like briefly to open a discussion on the various ways that we can protest against the declawing of cats.

We are currently tackling this form …

The Veterinarian’s Oath  The veterinarian’s oath is central to everything the vet does. It guides him or her. It is a reference point in decision making. It is at the core of …

SEBASTIAN GOES TO SEE SANTA CLAUS  Hi folks…My mom and dad took me to see Santa Claus because it’s almost Christmas. I thought I would like to share the picture of that happy day, with …

DECLAWED CATS IN SHELTERS  Looking at the selection of cats in a typical Rescue Shelter, some of the reasons given by the people who relinquished them to the Shelter seem reasonable …

DECLAWED CAT SUFFERING IN SMALL STEEL CAGE  I was given permission to use the photo above of a recently declawed cat, with the condition I don’t give details of who is allowing it.

The photo is …

A Cat’s Amazing Feat of Wall Climbing  People who declaw their cat always justify it some way or another. For instance they say that their cat can still climb trees just as before! No way. Cats …


Some people think that if their cat scratches the furniture he is being badly behaved.

They are wrong, it is necessary behavior …

Declawing Kittens  No, please, I beg you, don’t do it… Here’s why. First, though, please let me explain why I am building a page about declawing kittens when I have already …

Declawed Cats Dumped By Unthinking Owner  I feel any mutilation to any animal is in fact inhumane. It saddens me to know Corrupt America allows such mutilations on any human or animals for the …

DECLAWED CAT IS UNTOUCHABLE  Following my story about poor little Pierce , declawed and in a Shelter at only a few months old, today meet Vincent.

I came across him in one of my …

Declawed cats still have their teeth  I was watching some videos on YouTube of declawed cats. Watching declawed cats is a good way to understand some of their physical behaviour.

The title …

Furby Scratched Me!  Something happened to me last night when I was holding Furby that’s never happened to me since I found him. It was entirely my fault and my little man …

Pro-Claw Art  In 2005, the local cultural arts center called for submissions of postcard-sized artwork on any theme or subject for a fundraising show they called “Postcards …

DECLAWED KITTENS IN SHELTERS  Pierce is one of 51 declawed kittens up for adoption in Rescue Shelters in Ohio. He is offered as neutered, vaccinated, house trained and declawed.

No …

Both my cats were declawed and neither was traumatized  I had both of my cats de-clawed a very long time ago when they were both very young. Kelly lived to be 19 and Sunshine lived to be 17. I am not for …

Declawing Alternatives  “Declawing alternatives” is googled quite a lot. The simple, obvious, direct and slightly flippant answer is, “don’t declaw your cat”. And if that doesn’…

I Still Have My Claws by Furby  Hi everybody! It’s Furby. I’ve been really busy, but I want to talk to everybody about how I feel on declawing a cat. I kinda sorta don’t want to write …


This article was inspired by the brave people who have come forward and confessed how guilty they feel at having had their cats …

Declawing my cat 16 years ago is my biggest regret…  I live in the U.S. where, until recently, most of us were in the dark about the true nature of cat declaw.

It was a very common practice 16 years …


We feel so sorry for any of you cats in the USA and Canada who live with people who think you don’t need your claws, so we’ve written you a poem and …


One or two people have rightfully remarked that a comparison between the amputation of a person’s finger ends and those of …

The Smell of the Blood of a Declawed Cat  A vet tech who is painfully honest tells us that she can recognise the smell the blood of a declawed cat. She can recognizes the smell of a range of operations …

I have de-clawed cats and dogs and have NO problem with it  I have de-clawed cats and dogs alike. I have NO problem with it it is much better then an animal being put out of the house because they cant control …

I’m All For Front Declaw – Take Two  A few days ago I read a post by a human-person from Canada who wrote that she was all in favour of front declaw. As a cat-person who knows about declawing …

AB 2743 – the landlord-renter declawing and debarking bill  The politicians who drafted the landlord-renter declawing and debarking bill are to blame for the veto by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger. It is a great bill,…

I’m all for front declaw  Yes, I’m aware it’s a painful procedure. Yes, I’m aware you are removing the equivalent on 1/3 of the “finger” of a cat. Yes I’m aware that if a cat gets …


The declawing of any cat in the UK, other than for medical reasons for the cat, would result in the Veterinary Surgeon, his/her assistant …

STOP AND THINK ABOUT DECLAWING   The above Collage by Ruth

If you saw your child scribbling on the wall would you immediately grab the telephone and book her in for the ends of …

Devocalization of Cats and Dogs  I would like if I may to write once again about this abusive procedure. Elisa first wrote about it and I followed up with a report on the passing of …

Declawing And The Cost Of It To Cats  The cost of declawing to cats, is much more than the cost in the dollars paid to vets by the people who have this cruel operation done to their cats.

Declawed …

DECLAWING IGNORANCE OF SOME VETS AS WELL AS SOME PEOPLE  It is incredible that a vet said of the newly declawed kitten in the poster below,


Anyone who looks can see those bandaged …

Anti-Declawing demonstration St. Louis, USA, 2011, timetable and methods  Today’s date: 1st September 2010: Protest against declawing – see you in St. Louis…I think that the suggestion by Kathleen that the demonstration should …

Polls on Declawing Cats  August 28th 2010: The majority of people are against declawing according to polls. I don’t know who has voted though; meaning from which country. The …

Declawing is Horrible  I am getting a Bengal that is declawed. He belonged to a friend of mine who got him from a breeder that had him declawed before he was sold!

I feel …

Are there 100 people in the US who are prepared to demonstrate against declawing?  The work we do on the internet to stop declawing is great. It does some good, no doubt about it. But, yes there is always a but, we also need to do more …

DECLAWING AGONY OF KITTENS  This came as a Google Alert….”My 5 month old kittens were just fixed and declawed on Tuesday.

I got them back on Wednesday. The male is almost completely …

I Regret Declawing My Cat  I have a cat who is going on 10 years of age. If I could give him his nails back I would.

I so regret declawing him. I was young and stupid when I …

URGENT: Please support anti-debark and declaw bill AB 2743  19th August 2010: I have just received an email from the Paw Project asking support for the anti-debark and declaw bill AB 2743 going through the Californian …

The damage caused by a domestic cat’s claws is greatly exaggerated  Very many of us here are the carers of cat with sharp claws. Every day we are exposed to such claws, and what they are capable of. I have no doubt that …

Dr. Ron Gaskin is a good vet who performs declaw repair surgeries  I am very impressed with veterinarian Ron Gaskin of Main Street Veterinary Services in Shakopee, MN and want to recognize him as a good vet.

He is …

Detroit Animal Care Hospital promotes declawing of cats  Yup, it’s true, the Metro Detroit Animal Care Hospital promotes declawing of cats as do many other veterinary clinics or hospitals in America. Another …

Declawing is like Infant Genital Mutilation (circumcision)  Declawing is equivalent to Infant Genital Mutilation a.k.a “circumcision” without medical sanction.

If there was a valid reason for every …

DECLAWING IS A CRIME AGAINST MOTHER NATURE  I was given permission to use this quote by Poochu who lives in India: ‘Declawing a pet is a crime against Mother Nature’ He is a very wise man who cares …

I Understand Why Declawing Is Done  I’m an American, though I’ve lived and worked in other countries. I’ve also always had cats- and frequently, dogs- but ALWAYS cats.

My cats are always …

Recognise Good Veterinarians  We should recognise good veterinarians as well as criticise the bad. In this context I am referring to the veterinarian’s approach to the declawing of …

SEBASTIAN’S DIARY (Part 7 the last part)  Please see these parts first:

Part 1 – Part 2 – Part 3 – Part 4 – Part 5 – Part 6
A week later
I have a new home and a new …

SEBASTIAN’S DIARY (Part 6)  Please see these parts first:

Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5
4 months later
I don’t write much in my diary these …

Free Cat Scratching Post  Yes, this is a high quality, free, cat scratching post that sells for $55.95 on This site will pay for it and have it shipped to your address …

SEBASTIAN’S DIARY (Part 5)  Please see:

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4 first – thank you….

Monday late evening
I am back in a cage at the place where …

SEBASTIAN’S DIARY (Part 4)  Please see Part 1Part 2Part 3 first (a list of links is being prepared – the links above open in new widows or tabs).

Monday (a …

Dr Glenn Mayer of the DisAbell Animal Hospital  I’ve just watched a particularly nasty piece of propaganda on YouTube by Dr Glenn Mayer DVM

He is currently co-chair of the Public Education Committee …

SEBASTIAN’S DIARY (PART 3)  Please see part 1 and part 2 first.

The following Sunday

We had chicken for supper again tonight and I was given my bowl full but I haven’…

“Many vets already refusing” to declaw. Really?   More veterinarians are taking stands against performing cosmetic and convenience surgeries – according to DVM Newsmagazine online, (new window)…

Recently Declawed Cat Pictures  These are photos of cats taken at a veterinary hospital on the morning following declaw surgeries.

The small photos are thumbnails. Please click on …

SEBASTIAN’S DIARY (PART 2)  Please see Part 1 first..Wednesday..

I’ve had the most horrible 2 days.

My fears came true on Monday as mom did take me to that horrible place …

SEBASTIAN’S DIARY (PART 1)  SUNDAY EVENING…My tummy is rumbling and I’m feeling very sorry for myself. I think mom must have forgotten all about my supper.

I smelled chicken …

DECLAWING CONSPIRACY  Sometimes it seems as if there is some sort of conspiracy amongst pro declaw people. They write on-line articles advising the declawing of cats and listing …

CLAWED CATS AND NICE FURNITURE TOO  Some people like to live in a carefree home, they don’t worry about their furniture, they love to have cats in their homes.

Some people like to live …

Declawing… Ignorance is bliss!  I’ve been doing some looking around on the internet. I’ve been looking for what it is that causes people and vets to declaw. Sure money and greed are involved,…

Declawed Cats Need Wheelchairs  Declawing is a major operation which removes the last joint of the cats toes along with the claws.

It is in fact TEN separate amputations (or even EIGHTEEN …

LASER DECLAWING IS AS CRUEL AS ANY OTHER METHOD  This article is based on the following web page: The Advantages of Laser Declawing a Cat over a Standard Declaw . This article is about the advantages …

My cat has claws! And I love them  Hi, I’m Valley Girl and I have a blog that is part of PoC – it is a subdomain of PoC in fact. You can see it here: TEH KITTEH ANTIDOTE/ANECDOTE . I’d …

Kings Veterinary Hospital – time to laugh or cry  Yes, I don’t know whether to laugh or cry when I visit the Kings Veterinary Hospital website. The Declaw Hall of Fame website says that a certain infamous …

Declawing is BAD Neutering is GOOD!  Some people have the misconception that declawing a cat is no worse than neutering him or her.

When vet nursing I assisted at many cat spays and castrations …

Complications Of Declawing  A vet has kindly listed the complications of declawing cats. This was not done for any altruistic reason. It is simply a dispassionate explanation, which …

Declawing is Caused by a Lack of Respect  I’ve had declawing on my mind 24/7 lately, it’s all I’ve been able think about, I even dream about it! I’ve been thinking long and hard, and I’ve come …

If I get my kids a cat or two they will be declawed  I had a cat when I was younger that out of no where would attack me when walking around the corner!

One day she got me REALLY good! I’ve still got …

Ban declawing video… Finally finished!  Declawing is a very hot topic on this site, and since discovering this site I’ve come to realise that the passion and commitment portrayed within its visitors …

Declawed Cats in Danger  Many people think strictly indoor cats don’t need claws. This is WRONG !

The main reason they do need claws is of course to stay healthy, to be able …

Facebookers – Join Cause to Ban Declawing   The Paw Savers cause was created by Dr. Jean Hofve.

Dr. Hofve writes that she has been educating people about declawing for more than 16 years, and …

Laser Declawing Encourages and Perpetuates Declawing  Laser declawing of cats is a big worry to me as I believe that it encourages and perpetuates declawing, an obnoxious operation that cannot be supported….

The Agonising Pain Suffered by Declawed Cats  No one with a kitten and a puppy would consider having the puppy declawed, so why do they think it is acceptable to cause the kitten pain and disablement …

Banning Declawing Would Mean More Cats at the Pound  I love cats, but they do destroy furniture etc, and can cause serious harm to your pet dogs, and your lap and clothing. I wish there was a better way to …

Declawing Ruined This Cat’s Life  This is a real cat suffering from being front paw declawed. The paw pads on the declawed paws are dark, rough, irritated, mis-shapen and shrunken, unlike …

I rescued an all four paws declawed Manx cat  I have 2 cats and would NEVER declaw them. Never even entered my mind. Yes, my leather couch has scars, but a little touch up covers it and on we go.


Declawing Is By Choice Not by Necessity  How anyone can put their cat through the unnecessary and painful operation called declawing and still profess to love their pet, is beyond understanding….

Stop passing on misinformation about declawing cats!  I have severe psoriasis and had my adopted kitty declawed in 1995. She’s now (in 2010) a healthy 15 year old female who loves life and loves me. She would …

Declawing Cats News and Views  24th April 2010: I would like to discuss a couple of things to do with declawng cats, to keep abreast with what is going on. The first concerns HSUS….

Paws mutilated from declawing and neglect  This isn’t my cat, obviously, though they go by the same name. I found this cat’s story and thought that there was a certain aspect in which I would like …

Cat Declaw No More  OUR FAMILY HAVE ALWAYS DECLAWED OUR CATS…Then it’s time to break the family tradition! Declawing is a cruel and unnecessary operation and there are …

Declawing Kittens Is Cruel  The definition of cruelty is ‘an act done to cause pain or suffering’. Declawing is certainly that as it causes both. How can anyone take a perfect little …

Bill to Stop Californian Landlords Demanding Declawing of Cats  This story was thrown my way by one of the anti-declaw troops, Susan Woodhouse, and I must thank her. Sometimes our merry band of troops feel like ours …

Declawing is Premeditated Abuse Part 2  Part 1 is here , which told the story in pictures of the first of five kittens to go to a new home. Each kitten wanted to be chosen. Susie chose one and …

Vets Profiting From Ban on Declawing in Los Angeles  Kudos to the groups that brought pressure on the Los Angeles and Burbank City Councils to enact bans on declawing!

It’s interesting to note the clinics …

Declawing is Premeditated Abuse  Too many kittens and cats are still being cheated of their rightful and very neccessary claws. I’m sure everyone visiting PoC knows by now that declawing …

Lived with 2 declawed cats, knew several others  I’ll start off by saying that I’m neutral in the declaw debate. I can see why some of those who have their cats declawed do, and I can see why others, like …

Massachusetts Veterinary Medical Association Opposes the Devocalization Bill  Update 25th April 2010: Good News…Great News…This law has been passed and signed off by Gov. Patrick. It is called “Logan’s Law”. The law bans …

The guilt of declawing cats must be shared  After following as many articles as possible about declawing I feel I have to have my say. I have noticed that many people blame the vets. Yes those vets …

Calling all de-clawers! Tell me I’m wrong and why!  I am privileged to have been around cats all my life; I say privileged because I feel my life has been enriched by these beautiful creatures. May …

Why is there shock over the declawing of dogs but not for cats?  I do not condone any cosmetic mutilation of dogs such as ear cropping, tail docking etc., at all, let alone the declawing of them. But what inspired this …

LuLu survived being thrown from a moving car  My beautiful LuLu has touched my life. Although I swore off doing anymore rescue work because I had already emptied my bank account doing trap-neuter-return …

Declawing Cats Is Just The Norm!  I live in the US and I don’t even own a cat but many people I know do and I am totally shocked! I did not know really anything about declawing a cat. Here …

LASER DECLAWING DOES NOT ‘JUST’ REMOVE THE CLAW  There seems to be a few people with the mistaken idea that laser declawing is kinder because it ‘just’ removes the claws instead of the entire last joint …

The “3 D’s” to prevent your cat from scratching the furniture  To those people who think it’s okay to have your cat declawed just because it scratches the furniture, I have 2 things to say to you. 1) Keep reading. 2)…

OUR FRIEND IS BEING GRADUALLY ‘DECLAWED’  Our friend Pam has given me permission to tell her story and post a picture of her foot after her latest ‘declawing’. Last year she was told she had to …

Laser Surgery for Declawing Cats  I already know that cat lovers and animal lovers, for the most part, do not support the declawing of cats. I’ve watched the videos, heard the horror stories …

Why do people declaw cats?  I’ve been observing my cat and how he uses his claws, it’s lead me to be convinced that cats really do use claws for everything… We have a big bag of …

DECLAWING STRIKES HORROR INTO MANY UK HEARTS  We are emailing every Rescue Centre in the UK and asking them to sign our petition to ban declawing in the USA: Petition

This is a huge job as there …

Declawing Cats Should Be Outlawed  I live in Canada where the practice of declawing cats is prevalent. Prior to 2007, I also lived in France for 23 years where declawing is outlawed. Needless …

Declawing Cats: The Need for a Definitive Joint Report  The successes in California late last year when eight cities banned the declawing of cats was extremely welcome. But what was unwelcome was the constant …

OUTRAGED!!!  I thought about declawing my cats and struggled with the decision. I had a scratching post for them and they seemed to always use my doorways in the house….

Is a Nationwide USA Declaw Ban Possible?  It seem that a nationwide USA declaw ban is more possible now, during the Obama administration than for many years because the democrats have the power …

Pain management for declawed cats  Pain management for declawed cats varies widely, which is disturbing because it is agreed by veterinarians that declawing cats caused a lot of pain. This …

An Argument For And Against Declawing  Allow me to play the Devil’s Advocate for a moment and side with those that see no problem with declawing cats.

Especially pertaining to the second …

All Four Paws Declawed  I have a 16 y/o black cat, Zelda, with beautiful green eyes. I adopted her from the local shelter after originally going there to get a kitten. Here was …

Just Answer Gives Unjust Answer on Declawing  Further to Babara’s post on the pay-for-an-answer website, Just Answer, in which she described a shoddy answer on declawing cats ( Money Grubbing Online …

Money Grubbing Online Vets  I had a Google alert, “how much does a basic spay and declawing cost?”. It was on a site called Just Answer. {Note: Just Answer is a high ranking website …

Cats Are Digitigrades! Stop Declawing Digitigrades!  “A digitigrade is an animal that stands or walks on its digits, or toes…”.

Have you noticed that many pro-declawers and veterinarians use the argument …

All Creatures Animal Hospital Mislead Us  All Creatures Animal Hospital mislead us because their advice on when cat declawing should or could take place is contradictory and subtly encourages the …

Adopting an Abandoned Declawed Cat  I do not believe in declawing. I never really felt that strongly about it until recently. I was in the break room at my job and a woman was posting a flyer …

A Declawed Cats Day Poem  This was my first try at a declawed cat poem. I did this poem 1 month ago, and I’m constantly writing more cat poems.Leave a comment, or anything!…Zach….

Cat Declawing in England, Wales, Ireland, Northern Ireland and Scotland  As I understand it cat declawing in England and Wales is illegal under section 5 of the Animal Welfare Act 2006 (AWA). This section is headed [“mutilation”…

Some Advice on Surgically Improving Your Cat  As others have already pointed out declawing might cause your cat to bite instead. So of course now you must have your cat’s teeth removed – and not just …

I Had My Cat De-clawed Instead of Put To Sleep  I had my 2 year old Siamese cat de-clawed this past summer. If I had known the difference it would make in her, I’d have done it much sooner. I almost …

Ed Boks Speaks FOR Declawing Cats  Shelter manager, Ed Boks has 30 years experience in animal welfare and control and he argued against the Santa Monica ban on declawing. In the event he …

Declawing: A Physical Therapist Assistant’s Perspective  There are many good reasons to be against declawing, but the most persuasive are perhaps those which deal with the changes in a cat’s functional mobility …

Declawing was banned tonight 28-10-09 in Santa Monica, 6 to 1   28th October 2009: I have it hot of the press that declawing was banned tonight 28-10-09 in Santa Monica, California, USA, on a 6 to 1 vote. One of the …

You Can’t Declaw a Micro Pig  I feel that people who declaw cats don’t really want to keep cats. What they want is a companion of some sort in addition to or instead of a human companion….

Dr. Patricia Forsythe of the Nearly All Paws Animal Clinic  Dr. Patricia Forsythe of the Nearly All Paws Animal Clinic has been voted best vet in the West. She declaws cats cheaply because she offers coupons that …

Malibu City Council Votes Against Ban on Cat Declawing  This is what CVMA President Dr. Mark Nunez said at the Malibu City Council meeting against a ban on declawing: “We are opposed to a ban on declawing,…

Scientists are Unscientific About Cats  I am very surprised that a lot of scientists are unscientific about cats. What do I mean? There have been studies by scientists about declawing. You can …

Criticising the San Francisco SPCA  I feel justified in criticising the The San Francisco SPCA. They are sitting on the fence big time when it comes to declawing. Declawing is the one subject …

Declawing Turns Good Cats to Bad  I am a cat rescuer. I have worked in the rescue field for 19 years. In that time frame we have had cats from domestic to purebred come through our doors….

Declawed Cats Need Joanna Lumley  This is written from the point of view of a declawed cat!

“Declawed cats need Joanna Lumley. I am a declawed cat. I have nightmares about what cats …

The Paw Law  In the year 2016 what became known as the Paw Law was firmly established. There had been much argument and upset particularly from the DPs (see Declawing …

The Declawing Disconnect  I am going to coin a new phrase: declawing disconnect. What do I mean? These are just my thoughts no more. An attempt to go behind the act of declawing …

Declawed Abyssinian Cat Reilly  Thank you so much for speaking out about the horrors of declawing. I am not going to even watch your videos because I am sure that I could not stand it….

Some Veterinarians Are Ignorant of Cat Behavior  I’m so grateful for your education on this issue! I am 100% in favor of BANNING this convenience surgery in my country, & cannot wait until it is so the …

More cat scratching advice  A little additional advice on how to prevent your cat from scratching the furniture – without having to mutilate it:

One scratching post is good, but …

Thank You For a Brilliant Page!  Thanks so much for adding this page. The material is very helpful and I do hope that it will go a long way to help those of us in the USA to finally get …

Ocimom  Long time ago, my parents made me declaw my first cat. I didn’t know any better – no one really told me what happened. Watching your video with tears …

Did public pressure start declawing?  Hi again, I admire you for giving this subject more space and as you already know, I think there is no justification for declawing cats. I thought this …

Declawing? Why not detoothing as well?  I was shocked by the recent article on declawing in the United States (new window). To me this practice seems absolutely disgusting and I’m surprised …

I Disagree With You On Declawing Cats  I’ve had four cats so far. One Siamese and three Bengal. All were declawed for one reason only and that was to save the furniture. My Siamese lived to …

To Claw or Declaw  Although painful to watch so is the circumcising of infants. We have many surgeries by choice and provided the cat is going to be kept inside and loved …

Knowledgeable Veterinarian And Client Should Decide To Declaw Or Not  I am going to school right now to become a certified veterinary technician. I have seen the procedure performed successfully many times and with all three …

A chance to help educate about declawing  We are looking for film footage and photos of declawed cats for a documentary (we will not accept or condone any footage taken of cats declawed for the …

3 thoughts on “Declawing Cats”

  1. The author of the best comment will receive an Amazon gift of their choice at Christmas! Please comment as they can add to the article and pass on your valuable experience.
  2. Doris, I hate to say it but I think you are very ignorant. You think your cat is alright when declawed but you don’t know how your cat or cats feel. You do not know whether they feel pain because cats hide pain. You do not realise how declawing affects a cat’s gait. There are potential long-term issues when a cat has been declawed. Putting aside for one moment all those things (and there’s lots more if I had more time), it is immoral to declaw a cat. It is unethical and unnecessary. In over 30 countries in the world it is illegal and it is criminal to declaw cats. So to say it’s alright is idiotic to be perfectly blunt.


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